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Jon Coupal

AB 666 — More Devilish Legislation Out Of Sacramento

The Sacramento politicians are planning a costly attack on drivers’ wallets by changing the way some traffic violations are defined.

Generally, the public accepts the need for parking enforcement. The threat of a fine for those who overstay their allotted time helps to make sure that limited parking spaces are available to all who want to shop or do business in a commercial district. However, in many cities, like Los Angeles where parking fines have been raised 5 times in recent years and even those who park at broken meters are ticketed, the goal is revenue.

The public also tends to support fines for those whose driving puts others in danger as well as themselves. An expensive ticket for those who run a red light is intended to serve as a deterrent to those who might otherwise ignore traffic regulations. However, this system, too, can be manipulated so that driver safety takes a backseat to the primary goal, squeezing more money from the public.

Most motorists are familiar with red light cameras. A number of city councils, attracted by the potential of additional revenue, have approved these cameras using the argument that they improve… Read More

Doug Lasken

Toward A New GOP Coalition

[Publisher’s Note: We are pleased to offer this perspective from longtime FR reader and occasional columnist Doug Lasken. A reminder that the views expressed here are Doug’s and do not necessarily reflect anyone else’s views, including my own – Flash]

A successful political party, by one definition, is a party that is able to create viable coalitions, where a viable coalition is one that leads to sufficient votes to ensure election of enough party members to provide some hope of fulfilling the wishes of the coalition members.

The Republican Party has not acted in accordance with the above definition, but has replaced it with this: “A successful party is one that is in the right and takes the moral high ground.” Of course Democrats claim that their party is in the right and takes the moral high ground, and that the coalitions within their party reflect that. What, then, is the difference between the two parties?

The difference is that the Democrats don’t really mean it. They are anti-war, but they promote war; they are in favor helping the poor by doling out cash (with… Read More

Katy Grimes

Politicians seek special enviro deal on arena

This is Part One of a two-part series.

The unusually speedy approval of a new NBA arena for the Kings basketball team in the heart of downtown Sacramento leaves many details and unanswered questions on the table, including how this arena project possibly will be completed and ready for opening by 2015.

Approved by the Sacramento City Council, the latest plan uses overstated revenue projections, grossly overstated projected attendance numbers and city-owned parking garages to sweeten the finances. As with all of the previous schemes to keep the Sacramento Kings in town in a luxurious arena, neither city officials nor local news… Read More

Richard Rider

Californians live in the least free state in the nation — except for NY

I write about and compare California with other states. While I cover many aspects, most have to do with monetary issues — taxes, regulation, litigation, utility costs, education funding, etc.

But we should also look at a broader index that includes not only the issues I highlight, but also compares the personal freedom factors among states. For years the Mercatus Center has done exactly that — comparing states on a more fundamental “freedom” level. They incorporate most of my concerns, while factoring in personal freedoms.

The new rankings are now out. Not good for the Golden State. Indeed, as Professor Mark Perry notes below, the results are not good for people living in Democrat states — period!

California continues its dismal freedom ranking of the last decade — second worst only because of totalitarian NY state. NJ is nipping at our heels in the 48th spot.

The three MOST free states? North Dakota (up from fifth best last year), South Dakota and (perhaps surprisingly) Tennessee in third place.

The Mercatus website has more detail on each state, and the factors considered. It’s worth… Read More

Katy Grimes

Neighborhood Legislature could restore accountability

Big spending on California politics has become one of the state’s largest industries. But the return on investment is lousy.

California’s political system has become so heavily manipulated by labor unions and other big money interests that the system is broken. Legislators have become professional fundraisers instead of managing public policy. And the individual voter no longer has much voice or influence.

It may sound farfetched, but the only way to fix this system is to expand it. California needs more lawmakers.

For democracy to work, it must be representative democracy. It must be a government of, by and for the people.

The Neighborhood Legislature

Last year Assemblywoman Shannon Grove, R-Bakersfield, pushed an initiative for a part-time Legislature. She succeeded in bringing much needed attention to the broken… Read More

David Salaverry

The Growth & Opportunity Disconnect

The recent RNC “Growth and Opportunity Project” report deserves a full read, both for what it gets right and for what it telegraphs about the party elites. I dissected the report as it relates to leap frogging the Democrats on data-analytics, but there are other fundamental issues.

The report suffers from category overlap, excessive length and wooden prose. Breitbart challenges it on many inconsistencies noting a lack of intellectual coherence that is the result—in part—of writing by committee. Breitbart criticises from the paleo-right, saying:

“… the fundamental flaw of the report [is] a failure to acknowledge… the successes of the recent past–all of which were built on conservative revival.”

On NRO online, Ramesh Ponnuru targets elitism, saying:

The Republican report reflects this elite conventional wisdom perfectly, just perfectly… The report does not, however,Read More

Katy Grimes

Sacramento arena: A ‘Field of Schemes’

Sacramento officials have lost all ability to reason, and instead are letting emotions and delusions of grandeur drive their decision over a downtown sports arena.

Arenas are nothing more that fields of schemes, and the joke is on taxpayers. And Sacramento is hardly a bastion of economic splendor. Despite some of the highest unemployment in the country, escalating business closures, widespread home foreclosures and short sales, and declining tax revenue, arena talks are all the rage in Sacramento.

Judith Grant Long’s data on full public cost of stadiums and arenas is groundbreaking. “Where most ‘stadium cost’ charts just rely on self-reporting by teams, Harvard researcher Long has actually attempted to calculate the public and private costs of every major-league stadium and arena in North America, including hidden subsidies like free land, lease breaks, and tax exemptions,” Field of Schemes Neil deMause wrote.

It’s as if the Mayor is so enamored of the idea of driving away from the car dealership in a new Maserati, he’s forgotten he can’t afford… Read More

Ron Nehring

Conservatives Gather Outside London for Major Fundraising Conference

At a secluded private campus outside London, conservative leaders from 26 nations have gathered for a conference aimed at ensuring groups advancing free market economics and traditional values have the resources necessary for victory.

The Leadership Institute, the well-respected American organization that has educated and trained conservative leaders for over 30 years, is hosting the event at Wellington College in Crowthorne. The program, now in its fifth year, brings international fundraising experts together with center-right political and organizational leaders for several days of intensive training and preparation in both the science and art of raising funds to achieve center-right objectives.

This… Read More

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