Standing for Liberty, Part IX: Pro-Life and Pro-Family is Pro-Liberty
Last month, I began a series of posts on how I believe Republicans, especially Republican officeholders, ought to talk to voters about where Republicans stand on issues. The theme has been that we stand on liberty, restoring the rights of the individual, whether those rights relate to political rights, that is, free speech and free press, economic rights, that is, the right to feed one’s family without interference from government, that is, without excessive taxation or interference with the free market (freedom of contract and private property rights) by regulatory excesses, or other personal freedoms, such as the right to own a gun. If Republicans start thinking and talking about liberty, in my opinion, it will bring a consistency to our approach to politics, a framework for intellectual honesty in our pursuit of public policy, and a means of connecting with voters in a way that helps them understand that a Republican controlled government will actually be better for them than the tax, spend and regulate Democrats.
My project got delayed a bit, because I had to do things that actually pay my bills, something my creditors truly appreciate, but it is time to… Read More