AB 666 — More Devilish Legislation Out Of Sacramento
The Sacramento politicians are planning a costly attack on drivers’ wallets by changing the way some traffic violations are defined.
Generally, the public accepts the need for parking enforcement. The threat of a fine for those who overstay their allotted time helps to make sure that limited parking spaces are available to all who want to shop or do business in a commercial district. However, in many cities, like Los Angeles where parking fines have been raised 5 times in recent years and even those who park at broken meters are ticketed, the goal is revenue.
The public also tends to support fines for those whose driving puts others in danger as well as themselves. An expensive ticket for those who run a red light is intended to serve as a deterrent to those who might otherwise ignore traffic regulations. However, this system, too, can be manipulated so that driver safety takes a backseat to the primary goal, squeezing more money from the public.
Most motorists are familiar with red light cameras. A number of city councils, attracted by the potential of additional revenue, have approved these cameras using the argument that they improve… Read More