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Jon Coupal


In a bunker somewhere in Sacramento, a secret committee meeting of state power brokers is taking place. Let’s listen in as the chairman addresses the members:

“Welcome to this week’s meeting of the ‘Don’t Leave Them With Two Nickels to Rub Together Committee’ It is good to see that the public employee union bosses, who represent the highest paid government workers in all 50 states, are in attendance. They are the heart and soul of our movement. Then of course, we must acknowledge those newspaper editors from some major papers, who work so hard to help our cause of increasing the tax burden on average Californians. Special mention and thanks must go to the representatives of theLos Angeles Times, a publication whose institutionalized hostility to Proposition 13 is legendary — it hardly seems like it has been 35 years since Howard Jarvis labeled your paper ‘the enemy of the people.’ Also, I want to give a shout out to the several leftist professors from taxpayers supported universities who have joined ustoday. And lest I forget, our special interest enablers in the private sector, most of whom profit directly from… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Wild West Orange County Politics – Supervisor, Senate and Assembly – Oh My!

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Trying to write about the politics of West Orange County, without necessarily providing a broader look at what is happening county-wide in 2014, will prove to be a challenge. But I will give it a shot. Writing about all of the 2014 politics in my county will take multiple blog posts.

In West Orange County next year, on the natural, there is an open State Senate seat and an open Supervisorial seat, where Lou Correa and John Moorlach, respectively, are facing term limits.

The 34th State Senate District is a “new” seat, redrawn in the decennial redistricting process. While the retiring Correa is a Democrat, the newly drawn boundaries of this district actually make it much more fertile territory for a Republican. Currently the match-up for this seat is Republican Supervisor Janet Nguyen, and retired Democratic Assemblyman (and now community college trustee) Jose Solorio. Nguyen has been aggressively campaigning for this seat for some time. The only real variable out there that potentially impacts this dynamic are reports that Nguyen is… Read More

Ron Nehring

What’s holding California Republicans back?

We are now heading into the fourth consecutive “change” election in 2014. In California, Republicans are hoping for more success than we experienced in 2010.

In that year, popular myth holds that the Republican “wave” washed across America, but stopped at the California border. For some reason, it was believed, we did something different that kept us from electing the same number of new Republicans as we did in other states.

But like so many myths, this one is wrong too.

It turns out that in 2010, in the six most populous Democratic states, we elected only one Republican statewide candidate: Mark Kirk was elected to the Senate in Illinois. Every other statewide Republican candidate in states such as New York, California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Connecticut, etc. lost. The 2010 Republican wave benefitted the entire country – except in its most Democratic strongholds.

What puts California in this category?

Republicans in the state have struggled for years looking for an answer. Some believed redistricting reforms and abolishing party primaries would solve the problem. A decade ago, some believed a more “professional”… Read More

Katy Grimes

Vindictive Obamacare bills speeding through Legislature

It’s always good to see the California Legislature proposing more vindictive bills aimed at penalizing employers.

The new “Walmart loophole” bill, AB 880, would require large employers to “pay their fair share when they dump workers onto Medi-Cal by cutting hours or wages in order to circumvent their responsibilities under the Affordable Care Act,” according to the bill’s author Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez, D-Los Angeles.


Under Gomez’s bill, the ACA threshold for fining businesses would be lowered so that large employers would be fined if their part- or full-time workers are enrolled in Medi-Cal.

The legislation — which is supported by the California Labor Federation and United Food and Commercial Workers — “aims to encourage large businesses to offer job-based coverage.”

I’d word that a little differently. The legislation, supported by two of the largest, most aggressive labor unions in the state, aims to force large non-union businesses to cover all employees, regardless of their part-time status.

And remember the other Obamacare penalty bill I wrote about earlier this week:

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Jon Fleischman

Through The Looking Glass — Gender Is Not Objective, It Is Subjective

There are days when one wonders why the Democrats who control all of the levers of California government don’t simply enact into law an edict that everyone in the state is dubbed to be prosperous, and that each and every one of us shall officially have all that we desire.

I say that, of course, tongue in cheek — but I say it because it is so often the case that what passes for serious legislation in the State Capitol isn’t rooted in any kind of reality, or makes absolutely no sense at all.

OK, so raise your hand if you have ever heard of the phrase, “gender identity.”

Of course you raised your hand — and your answer is correct. Everyone has a gender identity, they are either a boy or a girl.

So I guess I really need to ask my question a different way.

Raise your hand if you think that whether you are a male or a female is a subjective question? In other words, can you choose your gender?

Welcome to the “modern era” where we now have the phenomenon of a “trans-gender” person. What does this mean? Well this means that never mind the sex you were born (based on the… Read More

James V. Lacy

Union thuggery aimed to stop sale of Los Angeles Times to Koch Brothers; other public employee union excesses of the day

Union excess, echoed with approval by their media allies, especially in liberal San Francisco, has hit an almost absurd level. Non-union hotels like Hyatt are inexplicably vilified in the liberal press. The nurses at the University of California’s hospitals, including U.C. San Francisco, have gone on strike, over, among other things, their objections to “unprecedented executive excess.” U.C officials reportedly say the real reason for the strike is that the union that represents the nurses, the Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, doesn’t want to change employees’ generous pensions. “The union has refused to agree to UC’s pension reform started in 2010 to address underfunding of the plan,” said a U.C. spokesperson. Even the Symphony in liberal San Francisco finds a reason to go on strike, causing cancellation of what was termed a “prominent East Coast tour.”Read More

Jon Fleischman

Emick: AB 299: Prescribing a Cure to Taxpayer-Funded Mail Order Pharmaceuticals

We are pleased to share this original commentary from Apple Valley Mayor Curt Emick.

Gone are the days when the mail and the milk were the only two services that would deliver to your doorstep. The modern family can have virtually any product delivered directly to their door, including prescription medications. In an era of convenience and innovation, this practice may at first glance seem to benefit the consumer. The hidden reality is that a seemingly good deal for the consumer is in fact, quite a bad deal for conservatives and taxpayers alike, as noted by the Taxpayer Protection Association’s (TPA) latest report on taxpayer-funded mail-order pharmaceuticals (here).

Some context is needed in order to understand how these organizations waste our tax dollars for we are not talking about chump change: for federal employee benefits alone, the government spends $35 billion a… Read More

Kevin Dayton

Know Thyself, Republican: You Could Be the Next Nathan Fletcher

What’s the point of a political analysis of Nathan Fletcher, the former Republican member of the California State Assembly who jettisoned his party affiliation during his 2012 run for Mayor of San Diego and now identifies himself as a Democrat? The editor of– Jon Fleischman – sent a Tweet on May 6with this inquiry:

Do I write, or not, on the latest @nathanfletcher voter registration switch? I’m indifferent — you choose:

By a five to one ratio, people didn’t want to read about it. Actually, a psychological analysis of Fletcher’s transformation would be more interesting than a political analysis.

Nathan Fletcherapparently aspired to a high-profile political career despite a lack of well-developed, well-defined fundamental principles about the purpose and limitations of government.

Fletcher appeared to regard government as a pragmatic agent to solve problems and make the… Read More

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