Taxpayers Deserve Election Transparency
[Publisher’s Note – We are pleased to offer this column penned by longtime FR friend David Wolfe. Wolfe is the Legislative Director of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. We found it “fun” that liberal State Senator Leland Yee is carrying a piece of legislation sponsored by HJTA. What is it? Read on! — Flash]
Earlier this year hundreds of Los Angeles County voters filled the Hall of Administration to protest a proposed $280 million/year storm water fee, or “rain tax” as it had become known. They were angry about the new fee that could, for some, amount to thousands of dollars. Adding insult to injury, the notice mailed out by the county, which was supposed to advise property owners of their right to protest the proposed fee, was made to look like a community newsletter touting the virtues of clean beaches and streams.
Most who received the notice, and the protest form buried inside, considered it junk mail and threw it away without reading it, unwittingly forfeiting the chance to have their objection counted before the county… Read More