Posted by Kevin Dayton at 12:00 am on Jun 04, 2013 Comments Off on Two Gifts for the Planet: Build California High-Speed Rail and Choose a Path that Crushes the Dairy Industry
Some residents of Kings County, California are waiting with
trepidation for the June 6, 2013 California High-Speed Rail
Authority board meeting.
At that meeting, the board will vote on its “Preferred
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Alignment and Station
Locations for Inclusion in the Fresno to Bakersfield Final
Environmental Report (FEIR).”
Farmers will finally know which fields the bullet train rail
line will bisect. And residents will know which buildings the
High-Speed Rail Authority will demolish to make way for the rail
line, adjacent support infrastructure, and elevated embankments for
road crossings.
One Kings County structure targeted for demolition has special
economic significance, so much so that it’s hard to believe the
California High-Speed Rail Authority isn’t conspiring to destroy
the building as part of a grand plan to elevate California as the
zenith of enlightened civilization.
If the board selects the initially-proposed and still-preferred
“eastern route,” the bullet train line will take out the Baker
Commodities rendering facility in Hanford. Or to quote one
dumbfounded Kings County opponent of the rail… Read More