Edison bowed to pressure from Barbara Boxer to close nuclear plant for good
Unreported other than in a British newspaper, is the fact that Southern California Edison bowed to political pressure from liberal Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer in making the decision last Friday to permanently shut down its two nuclear reactors at San Onofre, because of problems in one of the reactors steam generator systems. The plant had provided electricity for 1.4 million households. The closure of the facility leaves just one operational nuclear power facility in the state, the Diablo Canyon Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County.
The Guardian newspaper reports that week before last Boxer, an ardent supporter of environmental causes in the Senate, contacted the U.S. Justice Department and asked that they initiate an investigation of the plant, which was in the process of restarting one of its two reactors on a limited basis.
California’s available sources of energy have been on the downswing for sometime. Production of electricity by nuclear energy will be greatly reduced by the closure at San Onofre. Add to this that in 2007, the California Energy Commission banned energy acquisition from coal-fueled power plants, here and in other states.… Read More