Random Thoughts: Farm Bill and Filner
This is a column where I split my column inches on two totally different topics. I tried to intermingle my points on the two topics – didn’t work. So first some random thoughts on the egregious House “Farm Bill” passed with 216 Republicans votes, followed by some random thoughts on the travails of scandal-laden San Diego Mayor Bob Filner…
— Republicans in Congress often decry taxpayer subsidies, price controls, government manipulation of free markets, and using the power of government to pick winners and losers. Yet 216 House GOPers suspended their convictions long enough to vote out an egregious $200 billion spending bill (called the “Farm Bill”) that does all of these things and more. It’s both embarrassing and disheartening.
— For those curious about how California’s 15 Republicans voted on the so-called “Farm Bill” — Voting yes: Ken Calvert, Jeff Denham, Darrell Issa, Doug LaMalfa, Kevin McCarthy, Buck McKeon, Gary Miller, Devin Nunes, Dana Rohrabacher,… Read More