Posted by George Radanovich at 4:51 am on Aug 01, 2013 Comments Off on A New Conservative Era in America?
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Conservatives are conservatives because they want to conserve
cultural, social, and political things. The last thing they want to
hear, when their movement is at a low point, is someone suggesting
a new idea, particularly if the idea is perceived as moderating
conservatism. The typical response is, “We don’t need something
new, we must stick to the rock solid core principles of
They should heed the words of Walt Whitman who, after America
was founded, wrote, “The architects of These States laid their
foundations, and passed to further spheres. What they laid is a
work done; as much more remains. Now are needed other architects,
whose duty is not less difficult, but perhaps more
difficult…..America is not finished, perhaps never will be; now
America is a divine true sketch.”
Conservatives in America don’t need a new idea; they need a new
architect to render a new plan for America and usher in a new
American era based on conservative principles cast in new light.
This light will reveal the next steps in the long historical march
to freedom that America has been privileged to be a part.
The new plan must be enlightened and built… Read More