L.A. County Punishes Taxpayers Again
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In a little noticed pronouncement, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors created an entirely new application process for taxpayer advocates. As a result, taxpayers will be punished in the name of good government, especially the taxpayers least able to afford it. The problem is that this process creates a new bureaucracy without getting near solving the perceived problem.
You may have missed that Los Angeles County had a discernible problem with the person overseeing the collection process for its single largest source of revenue – property taxes. The County Assessor, John Noguez, has been charged with multiple counts of accepting bribes. He and an aide were charged with accepting bribes from a tax consultant, Ramin Salari, that resulted in a cumulative reduction of tax collections for the County of $10 million.
The County Supervisors reacted by first trying to change the law so the assessor position from being one that is elected to being appointed. Their rationale was that because this is an elected position, it was more subject to influence peddling. Did the five omnipotent supervisors ever think of the irony of that position?… Read More