San Diego media turns pathetic “fast food strike” (without strikers) into successful event
The Great San Diego Fast Food Strike is now done. Check the results of this much-ballyhooed event, as breathlessly reported by the U-T. http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2013/aug/29/fastfood-mcdonalds-wendys-burgers-cheese-jobs/
In a city of 1.3+ million people, there was ONE well-orchestrated “picketing” protest. But few fast food workers were present in the truly pathetic 100 person San Diego turnout. Indeed, a “pull back” shot would have revealed that there was almost as many media folks there as there were protesters.
The picketers were the usual cabal of aging hippies, young college economic illiterates (“People Over Profits” — when the increased cost would be passed through to the CUSTOMERS), SEIU labor union members (NOT in the fast food business), union-controlled politicians and a handful of OFF-DUTY fast food workers (three claimed to actually be on strike, but likely were not — one who works there only 4 hours a week).
Consider the ill-considered U-T headline of this article —… Read More