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Edward Ring

Why Bankers and Public Sector Unions are Allies, not Enemies

Earlier this week former state senator Gloria Romero published a lengthy article in the San Diego Union-Tribune entitled “Fixing California: The union chokehold.” Reprinted with permission onUnionWatch, it describes how public sector unions, virtually unopposed, have undermined the effectiveness and overpriced the costs of government at all levels in California.

Romero, a liberal Democrat who served for seven years as senate majority leader in California’s state legislature, knows what she’s talking about. Her focus is on education, where the teachers unions have blocked meaningful reforms for years; protecting bad teachers from being terminated, promoting based on seniority instead of merit, taking over local school boards with hand-picked, union-financed candidates, attacking charter schools, prioritizing teacher compensation and job security over student achievement, and pushing a social agenda in front of academic fundamentals. Romero considers it a civil rights issue, since the negative impact of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Katie McAuliffe: CPUC Preys on Prepaid Phone Services

We’re pleased to share this piece from Katie McAuliffe, Executive Director of Digital Liberty & Federal Affairs Manager at Americans for Tax Reform.

Given California’s precarious economic situation, it would seem unwise for the state to make its business climate any more difficult for those still choosing to operate there. However, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has chosen to persecute only one of the many prepaid wireless carriers in the state.

On July 11, 2013 a decision before the CUPC was handed down ordering TracFone to pay nearly $24.5 million to make up for user fees and public purpose program surcharges that were uncollected, despite previously declaring TracFone exempt from the charges. The CPUC disregarded clear evidence that prepaid wireless does not charge a monthly rate or know whether a call is inter- or intra- state like traditional telecommunications companies.

TracFone’s issue with CPUC stems from the fact that, unlike monthly subscription plans, prepaid wireless is a debit service, and thus cannot be not subject to fees in the same way as traditional… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lawrence J. McQuillan: Why Senator Steinberg’s SB 1 Deserves Defeat – or a Veto

We’re pleased to share this piece fromLawrence J. McQuillan is senior fellow and director of the Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation atThe Independent Institutein Oakland, California.

The big budget bills have been resolved for this legislative session but the public has good reason to remain on alert. Senate Bill 1, introduced by State Senator Darrell Steinberg (D – Sacramento), is so dangerous that the Assembly should swiftly kill it.

The measure will allow any California city or county to create a “Sustainable Communities Investment Authority,” governed by unelected bureaucrats selected by the city or county officials themselves. Each newly created Authority will build development projects in designated geographic areas. These will comply with SB 375, which connects California land use to the state’s climate change law, AB 32, which sets goals for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

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Bill Saracino

Well done, good and faithful servant, Jane Barnett

“Well done, good and faithful servant…enter into the joy of your master”.

I’ve no doubt that those were among the first words Jane Barnett heard after she passed from this life to the next. In the parable of the talents, Jesus indicates this as the ultimate praise and reward for a job well done. Jane is a shining example of good and faithful service in every aspect of her life.

Jane’s biography and long list of positions held and campaigns worked on is well known, so I will not focus on those. I want to talk about the essence of Jane – the goodness of her heart, the depth of her love for things and people she held dear, and her commitment to the values that made America.

If you knew of Jane’s commitment to four basics in her life – faith, family, friends and country – you could reasonably predict how she would react in any situation. Her Catholic faith was her cornerstone, and Jane walked the walk as well as talked the talk. Her faith shined brightly from Jane every day in every situation. Her family was the center of her life, and even in the most harried political situation you could always get a smile out of Jane… Read More

Jon Coupal


[Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, I am pleased to present this column from Jon Coupal. Coupal is the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association – Flash]

One would think that last year’s passage of Proposition 30, which gave California the highest income tax and sales tax rates in America, would satiate politicians’ appetite for even higher taxes – if even for a moment.No such luck.Not only are legislators vigorously promoting changes to Proposition 13 that would make it much easier to raise property taxes by doing away with the two-thirds vote, there is almost no limit to the other current schemes designed squeeze more revenue from the public.Indeed, the California Taxpayers Association has identified 66 bills representing more than $11 billion in new revenue now moving in the Legislature.

One such bill, flying under the radar scene until recently, is a direct hit on property owners.Senate Bill 391 by Bay Area Senator Mark DeSaulnier places a $75 recording tax on documents filed in county recorder offices for items ranging… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Doug & Linda Boyd: Jane Barnett Goes Home

Late last week longtime GOP activist Jane Barnett passed away after a long battle with cancer. On the day of her passing I penned a brief memorial column. I reached out to two of Jane’s closest friends, Linda and Doug Boyd, and asked them if they would share some thoughts on Jane’s passing, which they did. Below is some information on Jane’s funeral services, followed by the article from Doug and Linda. _______________________________

You are invited to come and celebrate with us the life and love that Jane Barnett has shared with us all tomorrow, Tuesday, August 13th…

9:30am Viewing to be held at Holy Family Church 209 E. Lomita Ave, Glendale, CA 91205

10am Mass to be held at Holy Family Church Mass to be preformed by Rev. James M BevacquaRead More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Unity Critical As State Senate Returns

Today the members of the California State Senate return after their summer break. They follow on the heals of their Assembly colleagues who went back into session last Monday. On the occasion of the Assembly’s return, I penned a column which I would commend Senate Republicans to read as well.

But the gist of it is that Senate Republicans, who now number a cool dozen with the addition of State Senator Andy Vidak, have an opportunity over the next month or so before the formal end of the 2013 legislative session on September 13 to demonstrate unity and solidarity. While Democrats will technically enjoy a super-majority in the Senate, it will be just barely as one Democrat Senate seat is vacant and will not be filled before the end of session.

What does this mean? It means that if Republicans stay united as a caucus that Senate President Darrell Steinberg will need to corral every single one of his caucus members in order to pass legislation or Rules maneuvers that require the super-majority vote. That will not be easy… Read More

Jon Fleischman

On The Passing Of Conservative Activist, GOP Leader Jane Barnett

I was saddened to hear today that my friend of a quarter-century, Jane Barnett, passed away this morning after a very long battle with cancer. Jane was a leader of conservatives. There is no way to really walk you through all the many roles that she played over the years in advancing the conservative and Republican causes. I will say this — if there were Academy Awards for politics, she would have won so many, and in so many categories. Best Actress for her role as Chairman of the Los Angeles County GOP, and as a candidate, herself, for State Assembly. And many Best Supporting Actress nods for so many roles with so many causes, going back to her role(s) helping with the campaigns of Ronald Reagan, working for great politicians like Pat Nolan, Jim Rogan, Oliver North and others, working with the Boy Scouts, and so much more. Of course she is survived by her soul-mate and fellow conservative warrior Louis Wm. Barnett, seven children and at least eight grandchildren.

When I met Jane I was barely twenty years old and both she and Lou took on the role of mentoring me, and helping to guide a young, eager conservative activist in directions that would help me… Read More

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