Posted by Larry Greenfield at 1:00 am on Sep 09, 2013 Comments Off on Message to CA Representatives: Obama’s Not Yet Proven Case for Syria
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The California Congressional House delegation of 53
representatives includes experienced national security hands like
Republican Committee Chairmen “Buck” McKeon (Armed Services) and Ed
Royce (Foreign Affairs), as well as former Reagan administration
official Dana Rohrbacher and U.S. military veterans Darrell Issa,
Duncan Hunter, Jr. and Paul Cook.
On the Democrat side there are some freshman with quite limited
foreign policy bona fides, while the two longtime U.S. Senators
from California have frequently voted along Democrat party lines
and can be expected to continue that path.
As they all consider the resolutions this week on Capitol Hill,
the California delegation might reach some rare, broadly
bi-partisan consensus in opposing the legislation to authorize an
immediate use of force in Syria.
I propose a yellow light on Syria: caution until the U.S. adopts
a strategic plan with achievable objectives, some semblance of an
allied coalition to share in the mission and to support the U.S. in
the Gulf, and more understanding by and support from the American
President Obama is playing a losing hand. Instead of acting
against Syrian… Read More