What is a Republican?
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[Publisher’s Note: Doug Lasken is a long time friend of the FlashReport. From time to time we publish some of his thoughts for our readers. Enjoy! – Flash]
I started political life asking what a Democrat is. My parents were lifelong liberal Democrats, but during the Nixon administration I came of age and broke politically from them. It was the spectacle of Nixon’s travails that did it. His career was one of the last attempts by blue-collar, religious white America to stand equally beside the ruling class, i.e. the Ivy League and Associates techno-bureaucrats who run the show to this day. Not that I have anything against techno/bureaucrats as such (I love their literary organ, The New Yorker Magazine), but they can be an arrogant bunch, particularly the Democrats. I joined the Republican Party during Watergate, not so much out of sympathy with Nixon as out of disgust with the relentless holier-than-thou pontifications of Democrats.
So Nixon spied on people did he? Look at us today. It’s a Democratic liberal icon who blandly tells us that for the good of the state we must give up all communications… Read More