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Jon Fleischman

To Our California Republicans In Congress –> We Have Your Back

The United States Constitution provides that spending bills originate in the House of Representatives.

The American people elected a majority in the House that does not believe that we should be funding Obamacare.

It is irresponsible for the President and the Senate to stop funding the areas of the government that enjoy mutual support.

Apparently the Democrats want to go back and relive the last election. But it’s over and the institution charged with initiating federal spending, like I said, has a majority that simply does not want to fund this massive entitlement program.

I’m not surprised that our “friends” the media want to blame Republicans for a government shutdown. But the reality is that the Republican Congress has sent a resolution to the Senate that would fund virtually all of the government and it has been rejected by Harry Reid who still bitter about Republicans retaining the House in the last election.… Read More

Katy Grimes

Farm workers fighting UFW unionization

The United Farm Workers labor union and the state Agricultural Labor Relations Board have found themselves on the brink of ruination and even irrelevance.

The labor union boasted 50,000 members by the end of the 1970s. But according to the UFW’s last Labor Organization Annual Report filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, as of Dec. 31, 2012 the union had only 4,443 members. So it has declined by more than 90 percent. By contrast, today the California Teachers Association lists 325,000 members.

In order to breathe new life into the union, many in the farming community claim the ALRB and UFW appear to have joined forces to reverse their misfortune… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Government Shutdown – Day 1

“Well, I won’t back down. No, I won’t back down. You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won’t back down.” – Tom Petty

“I have always figured that half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not always going to get everything you want.” – President Ronald Reagan, February 9, 1983.

Government Shutdown – Day 1: Back in March of 2010, I wrote a daily “Laptop Report” during the weeks leading up to the passage of ObamaCare through the House by the slimmest of margins. I recounted all of our attempts to convince enough Democrats of the folly of this miserable law. Not a single Republican voted for it and a number of Democrats opposed it – but, not enough.

Today, I will again begin a daily “Laptop Report” series for the length of this government shutdown. I have no idea how long this will last. No one does. But, I will give you a few of my thoughts and update you as this process moves along.

The two quotes at… Read More

Roger Hedgecock

How Carl DeMaio Will Shake Up Washington, D.C.

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Editor’s Note: We are pleased to present this column fromRoger Hedgecock, who has endorsed former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio. The San Diego Republican is challenging Rep. Scott Peters for the 52nd district.

Every once in a while, a candidate for Congress comes along that really impresses me – so much so that I personally do whatever I can to see them get into office.

It will probably come as no surprise to many Flash Report readers that I’m strongly supporting Carl DeMaio. Most of you already know about Carl – because for years he has been one of the strongest and best voices for fiscal and economic reform in the State of California.

Now Carl is running for U.S. Congress – against first-term Democrat Scott Peters – in one of the most watched and most important Congressional races in the country.

Carl DeMaio is truly exceptional in today’s political world because he has taken on the forces of big government and won – several times over!

Carl DeMaio: TaxpayerRead More

Doug Lasken

I’m going to the CA GOP convention

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I just paid $90 for basic registration for the California Republican Convention in Anaheim, Oct. 4-6. I tend to be conservative with money…ok frugal…ok I’m cheap, so I don’t spend $90 without some thought. In this case I figured, “Well, if I don’t go to the convention, how am I going to know what’s happening or not happening in the state GOP?” Also I checked with my wife, who gave her blessings (in all honesty I think she’s just happy to get me out of the house).

So what will I encounter at the convention? I’ve read the online agenda, to see if any of the issues I care most about will be discussed. These include:

1. A forceful statement against Obama’s acceptance of the end of communication privacy in America. 2. A forceful statement against Obama’s ill-conceived proposal to attack Syria. 3. A forceful statement against Obama’s signature education initiative, Race to the Top, which includes the Common Core Standards (CCS), costing $10 billion nationwide in pork for publishers.

Granted these are national issues (although in California- where we already have excellent… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Former CRP Vice Chairman Steve Baric Drops Bid For State Assembly

A few months ago Steve Baric announced his candidacy for the open 73rd Assembly District in South Orange County. The popular Rancho Santa Margarita City Councilman and former Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party made a big splash, coming out of the gate with prominent endorsements from his former boss, District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, and Sheriff Sandra Hutchens. In a five way GOP donnybrook in a seat destined to elect a Republican as a “red” seat, Baric ended the June 30th fundraising period with the most cash in the bank. While his victory was far from assured, Baric’s odds of going to Sacramento, in my opinion, were the greatest of any other candidate in the field.

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BOE Member George Runner

Making Life Simpler for Taxpayers

I am pleased to announce Senate Bill 582, a joint effort between my office and Senator Steve Knight, has passed both houses of the Legislature and reached the Governor’s desk.

SB 582 will make life simpler for taxpayers by requiring the Board of Equalization, Franchise Tax Board and Employment Development Department to consider integrating their websites to better serve taxpayers. The idea is to create a one-stop shop for taxpayers to visit for all of their tax services. This will streamline filing requirements by providing taxpayers with up-to-date integrated access to accounts with all three tax agencies.

In a 2005 report the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office urged the creation of a portal that would allow a taxpayer to “log onto a single website and through a series of menus, be directed to the proper form which would allow them to file their taxes or remit a payment.” As you can see, this reform is long overdue.

It’s not easy doing business in California. One of many challenges for a business owner is the confusing… Read More

Jon Coupal


Efforts to increase taxes on business property put homeowners in peril; here’s why.

Sacramento can never get enough tax money to satisfy the political class. Although California has the highest state sales tax, highest marginal income tax rates, and highest gas tax in all 50 states, we rank only 14th highest in per capital property taxes. The politicians, government employee unions, and the special interest pleaders see this as an area of potential revenue growth — higher taxes, that is.

Several years ago, Senate leader Darrell Steinberg outlined a plan to incrementally diminish taxpayer protections to allow for the ratcheting up of taxes. The first step was be to eliminate the two-thirds vote to pass a state budget – a law that dated back to 1933 – and then move on to targeting Proposition 13’s two-thirds vote requirement for increases in state taxes as well as for the passage of local per-parcel property taxes on homeowners. Steinberg’s step one was accomplished in 2010, with the passage of Proposition 25.

In addition to their efforts to destroy Proposition 13’s two-thirds vote protections for taxpayers, tax raisers have opened up a… Read More

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