Common Core Standards Come of Age as an Issue
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Richard Nixon, in a moment of wisdom many will find incongruous, is reported to have observed, “When you’ve said something so many times you can’t stand the sound of your own voice saying it, that’s when people hear you for the first time.” We’ve come to that point with President Obama’s Common Core Standards (CCS), which I and many others have been criticizing for several years to an uninterested bipartisan audience. The criticism may make an impression now, however, because the you-know-what is hitting the fan in every California school district, and the story is the same in the other 44 states that bought into CSS. The implications for the California GOP become clear when the facts are reviewed.
The Common Core Academic Standards were forced on the states (arguably in violation of the Tenth Amendment) when money was promised via Obama’s signature education initiative, Race to the Top (RTTT), if the states purchased the standards. One fly in the ointment (the first of many) is that the RTTT money doesn’t begin to cover the cost of the standards, and is not supposed to be used for that purpose anyway. That cost is $10 billion nationwide. The… Read More