Random Thoughts For A Friday
Some random thoughts on the passing California political scene…
IDIOT OF THE WEEK AWARD: Its unclear who the specific winner here is — it may be the entire Workers’ Compensation system in California. But specifically it is the person, persons or rules that would allow former U.C. Davis Police Lieutenant John Pike to be awarded $38,000 in benefits after he suffered stress as a result of the notoriety and attention he received, back in 2011, when he unloaded a stream of pepper spray on students who were peacefully protesting tuition increases. All you have to do is take a moment to watch the video and, well, you will understand how idiotic this cash bonus was for someone who may have been 2011’s Idiot of the Year. By the way, I know for a fact that the compilation of videos of police response to that protest is now routinely used in officer training to show how NOT to handle an incident such as… Read More