The Power of The Story
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These last few weeks have proven that Republicans still haven’t figured out the power of the story. After all the posturing and debating, Obamacare remains fully funded, the debt ceiling was raised, and the government shutdown ended without the Democrats or the President having to give up a single thing.
The day after the government was re-opened, House Speaker John Boehner stated to an Ohio radio station, “We fought the good fight. We just didn’t win.” Recent poll numbers show that Boehner comment was right.
This goes to show that facts don’t always win arguments. Political and legislative positions, and the messaging to match, need to be translated into a language that John and Jane Doe and the 99% of Americans who don’t spend all day refreshing their Twitter feeds for the latest political update can understand.
Here are the sound bites that the President and Democrat Senator Harry Reid delivered:
“House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, is the only thing standing between an end to the shutdown.… Read More