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Ron Nehring

GOP Pulls into Lead in Key Test

The fallout from Obamacare continues to take a toll on the President’s party and its candidates according to the latest round of polling released before the Christmas holidays. The collapse of Democrat support represents a total reversal from the days during and after the October federal government shutdown when Republican support slid dramatically and sentiment about Democrats surged across the board.

A top level number of concern to national strategists is the “generic ballot test,” which gauges general voter sentiment by asking whether someone would support a Republican or Democrat candidate for Congress. It’s a good barometer because it factors out individual candidate or district characteristics, and thus is a gauge of general sentiment toward each party.

Today, Republicans lead in the generic ballot test, 41% to 38% in the latest Quinnipiac survey. It is the first time Republicans have led in this critical indicator all year.

Digging deeper, we see Democrats and Republicans are roughly equally loyal to their… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Back From Vacation — And Rome Is Still Burning

In March of 2001 I started producing an e-mail newsletter, The FlashReport, that went out several times a week, which combined daily clippings with my own analysis and commentary on California politics. In October of 2005 I flipped the newsletter into this website, where, along with my Editors John Hrabe and Anton Hartmann (and Nick Romero back in the day), have still been producing daily links to online political stories as well as a lot of great original content not only from yours truly but from hundreds of contributors. The last month I did something I had not done for over a dozen years — I took a month off. I had a family vacation planned before Thanksgiving, and decided that I would truly “unplug” and spend quality time with my wife and kids. It was a much needed break — and it was nice to simply consume political stories rather than create them!

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Richard Rider

Cavuto: Mr. President, we at Fox News are not the problem

Here is a terrific, civil, three minute rebuttal of Obama’s health care policies in general and his attacks on Fox News in particular. Kudos to Nick Cavuto for presenting such a devastating yet well-reasoned and dispassionate smack down of ourTeflonPresident.

If the video doesn’t work, just click on this link to watch the official Fox segment on YouTube. Did I mention it’s only 3 minutes?

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Jon Coupal


Because Ronald Reagan left office almost 25 years ago we shouldn’t be surprised that most young adults do not remember him. But the real question is whether his views about America and its place in history retain any relevance at all to today’s Millennial generation.

When Reagan, after his presidency, spoke to a meeting of members of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association in 1992, he stressed the importance of passing on our hard earned freedoms to future generations and the willingness to fight to preserve them. He contrasted our constitution with those of other nations, saying almost all the world’s constitutions are documents that tell the people what their privileges are, while with ours, “we the people” tell government what it is allowed to do. Speaking of the importance of limiting overreaching government, he said, “This belief has been the underlying basis for everything I have tried to do.”

Since the election of Barrack Obama, with his costly big government agenda, commentators have opined that the values associated with free markets, limited government and individual responsibility do not resonate with the millennial generation. This… Read More

Katy Grimes

ALRB Part ll: Background on ALRB Chair Shiroma

This series reports on the backgrounds of the board members and officials ofthe ALRB. Part 1 ishere.

The Agricultural Labor Relations Board is made up of five members, the board was created when the Agricultural Labor Relations Act was signed into law in June 1975 by Gov. Jerry Brown.

With two vacancies, the board currently hasthree members:

* Chairwoman Genevieve A. Shiroma, who has served on the board since 1999, was… Read More

Katy Grimes

EDD responds to questions on computer glitches

This is Part 1 of a series.

Obamacare’s computers aren’t the only government systems struck by major glitches.

Two months after a California Employment Development Departmentcomputer crashcut off tens of thousands of Californians from their unemployment benefits, the EDD remains overwhelmed by overdue unemployment claims from thousands of people looking for jobs.

State Labor Secretary Marty Morgenstern, an appointee of Gov. Jerry Brown, quicklyordered EDDofficials to pay the unemployment claims immediately, and check eligibility later. Yet today thousands of… Read More

Ron Nehring

Latinos to Obama: Adios

Democrats maintain a hammerlock on statewide offices in California in large part due to their success in earning the overwhelming support of Latinos, Asians and African-Americans nationally. In a state which is 38% Latino, Democrat success statewide depends on holding on to this massive portion of the electorate.

For this reason California Democrats should be concerned about this week’s Gallup data showing that President Obama – the man who more than any other defines the Democrat Party in every precinct across America – has seen his support among Latinos plummet more than with any other group.

The numbers are striking. In the course of 11 months, the President’s support has dropped from 75% of Latinos to 52%, a 23 percentage point decline.

There is no way to spin this into anything other than a big problem for the President and his 2014 Democratic candidates.

Let’s dig deeper.

According to Gallup, Latinos’ support of Obama “have shown the most variation of any group…That means their views of him are less firmly anchored than those of other groups.” In other words, Latinos were never totally sold on President Obama in… Read More

George Radanovich

American Exceptionalism – Are We There Yet?

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When he exited the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a citizen what form of government the delegates had given the young country. “A republic, if you can keep it.” How faithfully have we adhered to Franklin’s admonition? Have we kept it? Does this exceptional experiment in individual liberty and limited government remain exceptional?

“If you can keep it.” Inherent in this proviso is an acknowledgement that human frailty could undermine the grand experiment; that the gift given could become an opportunity for license instead of for responsibility, restraint and self-governance. The choice between exceptionalism and mediocrity lay entirely with the people.

So, how are we doing with American Exceptionalism and how do we measure it? Is the happiness of the individual a determinant, and how do we measure that? US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy explained that, for the framers of the Declaration of Independence “happiness meant that feeling of self-worth and dignity you acquire by contributing to your community and to its civic life.”

Using Kennedy’s definition as a starting point, a… Read More

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