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Ron Nehring

Record number of Americans see big government as top threat to country’s future

In the middle of the holiday season, when Americans for more focused on travel plans and gift giving than politics, Gallup released powerful new survey data showing Americans are far more concerned about the threat posed by “big government,” compared to business or labor.

In liberalism’s heyday of the 1960’s, fewer than half of Americans considered big government to be biggest threat to America’s future. Today, it’s an astonishing 72%. To reach such a peak, Americans across the board are concerned about the size, scope and intrusiveness of government, not just Republicans or libertarians (although Republicans are the most concerned).

Not surprisingly, Americans have grown significantly more skeptical of government as it has expanded during the Administration of Democrat Barack Obama. The 2009 stimulus package, Dodd-Frank regulation of finance, Obamacare and revelations concerning NSA surveillance programs all contribute to rising concern about the role of government.

While 92% of Republicans say they see big government as the greatest threat to the country’s future, even a majority of Democrats (56%) say… Read More

Katy Grimes

Gerawan Farming files constitutional challenge against ALRB

Gerawan Farming is fed up.

On Dec. 16, the Gerawan Farming company filed aconstitutional challengeagainst the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board, with the United Farm Workers of America as a “Real Party of Interest.” It was filed with the California Court of Appeal, Fifth District in Fresno, against the ALRB’s invocation of theCalifornia’s Mandatory Mediation and Conciliation Statute. The statute wassigned into law by Gov. Gray Davis in 2002.

This was part of wrangling with the United Farm Workers Union that began in Oct. 2012, when the union insisted that a… Read More

Katy Grimes

Discrepancies found in Brown aides’ FPPC reporting

Several of my recent stories about some of Gov. Jerry Brown’s appointees have revealed discrepancies about reports filed on conflicts of interest and financial disclosure.

Form 700 is a Statement of Economic Interests required of “designated” government employees, meaning the governor’s top aides and consultants.Some, but not all, Brown “designated” appointees have filedForm 700s with the Fair Political Practices Commission.

As I detailed in the stories, the FPPC included in its files Form 700 fromFish and Game Commissioner Mike Sutton.

But for newLabor Secretary David Lanier,the FPPC did not comply with’s request for copies of his Form 700.

Because of the discrepancy, I also asked Brown’s… Read More

Katy Grimes

Can liberty in America be saved in 2014?

What will Liberty look like in 2014?

And no, it’s not a car.

Liberty is something we often hear about, but isn’t exactly a topic of discussion at dinner parties. If we don’t really know what liberty is, how will we know when it is taken away, or if it is being taken away? Unfortunately, it often takes tyranny to make liberty more precious.

The purpose of liberty is to allow human life to flourish.Are we flourishing in California and the rest of America in 2013? What will liberty look like in 2014?

Are Americans prepared to fight for liberty?

Government serves the people

John Locke, a 17th century English philosopher and physician, regarded as one of the most influential ofRead More

Emily Schrader

The State: Winning the Lottery Everytime

Everybody wants to win.

That’s one reason why Las Vegas and Atlantic City attract people from all over the world, so much so that it utterly consumes some. But while private sector gambling is widely recognized as a risk and a return (if there is one) that is almost always based on pure luck, state lotteries promote the idea that there is “hope” and something almost virtuous in playing the lottery. This has never been more apparent than with the repulsive emotionally manipulative Holiday Scratchers ads the California Lottery is airing on your television today.

The one-minute advertisement softly plays Debussy’s Clair de Lune while depicting an old man, who presumably works at the post office, leaving work to head home. The man rides the elevator and walks past folks on the street completely ignored by his fellow citizens. He rides the bus alone in the rain and shuffles up… Read More

Jon Fleischman

And That’s A Wrap — FR Finishes Up It’s 8th Full Year! Onwards To 2014!

Today marks the end of eight full years of the FlashReport covering politics and policy here in the Golden State. This year alone we published thousands of blog posts and original columns. We published links to tens of thousands of articles and editorials — all with a nexus to what is going on here in California.

I wanted to take the time to express my appreciation to those that make this website possible.

The first shout-out goes to our readers (that’s YOU) for coming to our site day in and day out. Secondly I would like to thank our advertisers, without whom there would literally be no FlashReport to read. Thirdly, I would like to thank all of those people who penned columns and… Read More

Scott Carpenter

Pat Maciariello Withdraws from 45th Congressional District Race

In the midst of the last minute “beat the clock” emails from various elected officials and candidates appealing for donations before tomorrow’s deadline, Congressional Candidate Pat Marciariello just sent out an announcement that he was withdrawing from the race. I had heard some rumors that this was a possibility, but I must say I did not realize how soon it could actually happen. This now leaves Supervisor John Moorlach, Senator Mimi Walters and Greg Raths as the remaining contenders in the GOP field.

His statement is below:


After significant reflection with my family over the Christmas season we have decided that we will no longer continue in our candidacy for congress. I want to thank all of those who have supported us over the past four months, your kindness will not be forgotten. Monetary contributions made to my campaign will be refunded in the coming weeks.

Regards and God Bless.

PatRead More

Jon Coupal


Thirty years of political engagement in California politics has led me to the realization that the middle class is woefully underrepresented in this state. Not only that, but this injustice seems amplified with every passing year.

This column has covered the lack of meaningful representation for ordinary citizen taxpayers for more than a decade. Indeed, in October, we exposed the unfairness of Assembly Bill 8, a massive $2.3 billion car tax increase on everyone who relies on their cars for work, errands and everyday life.

Assembly Bill 8 was nothing less than a deal among very powerful interests who had no problem throwing taxpayers under the bus. Who were the winners? Environmental extremists (with support from Governor Brown) who got funding for a dubious “Hydrogen Super Highway.” Also, manufacturers of “green cars,” like the hyper expensive Tesla, got big tax breaks. Regrettably, some of our allies in the agriculture and trucking industry were in on the deal… Read More

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