The Nightmare Scenario
In politics, warnings are more useful than predictions. As the 2014 campaign begins to come into focus, there are some important warning lights flashing on the Republican dashboard.
Nationally, the environment for 2014 is turning increasingly favorable for Republicans. President Obama, who defines his party nationally, has seen his approval rating plummet from 52% to 41% over the last 12 months. The GOP has surged in generic ballot tests since the Obamacare rollout disaster. Nearly half of Americans believe Obamacare will make health care worse. Democrat Senators facing tough re-election fights are conspicuously distancing themselves from the unpopular President. Experts widely predict the GOP will hold the House of Representatives and have an improving shot at taking the Senate and sending Harry Reid into the Minority Leader’s office.
Yet, while Republican strength surges nationally, in California we are too close to a nightmare scenario where the statewide ticket is so weak that some Republicans give up and throw in with Gov. Jerry Brown, creating disarray and denying Republicans the opportunity to take advantage of a favorable national… Read More