The California University Jew and Asian Student Admission Quota Act
This Associated Press “story” about the California bill to overturn Prop 209 (the anti-“affirmative action” prop passed by the voters in 1996) is essentially the “cut and paste” version of the dishonest press release put out by proponents. The AP is no longer a press organization — it’s become largely a government “information” distribution channel. No fact checking allowed — and sadly some papers (including theSAN DIEGO U-T) too often run AP stories without even a cursory review.
Here’s what the story says: “In 1995, minority students accounted for 38 percent of high school graduates and 21 percent of those entering as University of California freshmen, Hernandez[a principal proponent of the bill]said. By 2004, they made up 45 percent of high school graduates but 18 percent of incoming UC freshmen, he said, adding the gap is growing.”
But go look at the official stats of the demographics of 2013 incoming UC freshman: … Read More