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Jon Fleischman

The Case Of Rod Wright — The State Senate At The Crossroads

This coming Friday State Senator Rod Wright will be celebrating an anniversary of sorts — he will be celebrating the end of his first month serving in the California legislature while simultaneous being a convicted felon. On January 28th Wright was found guilty in Superior Court of eight felonies. A jury of Wright’s peers found that he had committed perjury and fraudulent voting, after Los Angeles County District Attorney prosecutors successfully made the case that Wright did not, in fact, reside in the Senate District in which he ran. Wright will be formally sentenced in May, but based on the crimes for which he was convicted he could face up to eight years and four months in prison.

Following his conviction, Wright did not resign his seat in the State Senator. On the contrary, within 48 hours the now-convicted Senator was introducing self-serving legislation that would allow some convicted felons, like himself, to later have their felony convictions reduced to misdemeanors.

With the exception of being relieved of a committee chairmanship (but not his committee memberships), Senator Wright has enjoyed a post-conviction life in the Capitol that,… Read More

Edward Ring

Pension Reform Comes to Ventura County

“401Ks carry no guarantee, and that’s the distinction between a defined contribution system and a defined benefit system.” – Rick Shimmel, executive director of the Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association, February 20, 2014,Fox News Soundbite

Truer words were never spoken, Mr. Shimmel. But when the “guarantee” can’t be lowered to levels that are merely unfair and burdensome, as opposed to monstrously unfair and financially catastrophic, then replacing “guarantees” with uncertainty and risk becomes the only option.

The latest attempt at pension reform in California is theVentura County Pension Reform Initiative, affecting an affluent and idyllic coastal region that includes cities to the north of Malibu and south of Santa Barbara. It’s hard to imagine a nicer place to serve as the latest battleground in the pension wars.

What Shimmel objects to is the provision of the pension reform that creates a 401K “defined contribution” plan for all… Read More

Michelle Steel

BOE Votes to Cut Gas Excise Tax By 10 Percent

This morning, the Board of Equalization voted in favor of a staff proposal to cut the excise tax on gas by ten percent. Because of our action, Californians will pay 3.5 cents less in excise taxes on each gallon of gas they buy starting July 1.

Our vote will lead to a much-needed tax cut for all Californians who are suffering under some of the highest taxes in the nation. But, unfortunately, California’s gas tax will continue to be a complicated mess unless the Legislature and the Governor act.

In 2010 and again in 2011, the Legislature passed laws that created what is called the “Fuel Tax Swap.” The swap was a scheme intended to take money that was earmarked for transportation projects and use it to pad the state’s General Fund.

That scheme requires the Board of Equalization to follow a complicated formula to estimate future tax revenue that theoretically keeps gas tax revenue the same as it would have been if the Fuel Tax Swap had never passed. Really it creates a potential roller coaster for gas excise tax rates.

As I wrote in the Orange County Register last year, “The calculations used to estimate future tax revenue are a guessing game… Read More

Katy Grimes

Justice for Gerawan Farm Workers in the hands of Underhanded ALRB

One of the most significant labor relations fights in the country is currently taking place here in California. Proceedings have turned ugly, with many questioning the legal tactics and scruples of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board.

As the United Farm Workers labor union and the state Agricultural Labor Relations Boardhave found themselves on the brink of extinction and future irrelevance, they have joined forces to reverse their misfortune by targeting one of the biggest non-union farming operations in the state. Should they succeed in unionizing the 5,000 total Gerawan Farming employees, it would more than double union membership, and certainly boost the ALRB’s status.

The UFW won an election to represent Gerawan Farming’s workers 23 years ago. But after only one bargaining session, the union disappeared and wasn’t heard from for more than 20 years.

In October 2012, the union reappeared to impose a contract on Gerawan Farming and its employees — without a vote of the workers.

But the workers don’t want the union.

The wrangling with the United Farm Workers Union began again in October of… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Gas Tax Cut is Good News for California

Today, I joined my fellow Board of Equalization members in a 5-0 vote to lower the gasoline excise tax 3.5 cents per gallon as of July 1, 2014.

Our vote today is good news for California taxpayers. This much-needed tax relief will arrive as Californians are on the road for summer vacations.

Lower gas taxes are good for our economy and good for jobs, but even with this cut Californians will continue to pay one of the highest gas taxes in the nation.

Unfortunately, some in the Legislature want you to pay more taxes, rather than less. Just last week a leading lawmaker proposed raising your gas tax by up to 43 cents per gallon.

Rather than plotting to raise taxes at a time when the state is already awash in cash, lawmakers should be finding ways to simplify our tax laws and make life easier for California taxpayers.

Lawmakers could start by scrapping the confusing and complicated gas tax formula they enacted in 2010 and replacing it with one that is simple, straightforward and easy to understand.… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

My Speech on the U.S. Mission in Afghanistan to the National Press Club

Yesterday I spoke at the National Press Club on the importance of our Commander in Chief communicating with the American people on the critical value of our mission in Afghanistan and the victories we have won.

Traditionally, it is right and proper that these stories come from the Commander-in-Chief. But he has talked about Afghanistan only a handful of times during his Presidency. And each time, President Obama praised his run for the exits or pitied our wounded, instead of lauding the accomplishments of our troops and the importance of the mission they were given to fight. So, if the President of the United States won’t give this speech, I will.

Click the image below to watch the speech on the C-SPAN website. Or below that is the full text as prepared for delivery.

“For nearly 13 years now, the United States has been at war in Afghanistan.We’re there because Afghanistan was used as a launch pad for attacks that killed Americans.We have a responsibility for the safety and security of our… Read More

Kammi Foote

AB 2206 – Another Attempt to Weaken Property Rights

A barrage of new bills was introduced into the California Legislature this past week including a bill that masks a huge blow to property rights under the guise of increased public protection. Assembly Bill 2206 by Assemblyman Gomez is almost identical to AB 2299 introduced in the 2011/2012 legislative session by Assemblyman Feuer. The bill would shield the names of public safety officials from land records, which are currently open to public viewing. The reason put forth is to protect these individuals. However, County Recorders and others familiar with the public land records system, recognize the harmful effects this bill would have on property rights.

Under the provisions of AB2206, certain documents that contain the names of public safety officials would no longer be open to public review. Today anyone can research property records and see every document recorded to evaluate its authenticity. This is crucial with the rise of mortgage and real estate fraud that often… Read More

Jon Coupal


It’s good to be in with the “in” crowd, especially when the “in” crowd is made up of Sacramento politicians capable of doling out millions of dollars in tax credits.

Those currently in with the “in” crowd include any industry or company that can somehow attach “green” to their credentials. This helps explain why the state just provided the successful Tesla electric car company a $35 million tax subsidy. Yes, contrary to Kermit the Frog’s song… Read More

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