GOP merry-go-round in San Francisco
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The GOP merry-go-round in San Francisco
I registered for the California state GOP convention in San Francisco this weekend, March 14-16, even though I don’t know what I’ve registered for.
I had the same feeling when I took my five-year-old granddaughter, Vera, on the merry-go-round at the Topanga Plaza Mall in Woodland Hills. Some of the animals went up and down; some stood still. Some seemed to leap forward in frozen passion; some were just frozen in time. When the merry-go-round turned, the world seemed to spin around it, oblivious to its mythic themes and intrepid explorers. Vera and I were both dizzy after the ride; the difference- she enjoyed the sensation.
Just so, when I set foot in the Hyatt Regency next Friday night, I’ll face a mysterious array of horses, some perhaps riding somewhere, some only seeming to, some not even trying- it will be difficult to tell which is which. I did not have this problem at the October convention in Anaheim because, based on my opposition to the Common Core Standards, I had been invited to the Tea Party Caucus, one of the rowdiest and most interesting political gatherings I’ve ever witnessed. Unfortunately,… Read More