Did CTA Kill Campaign Finance Reform Bill?
In a column today, Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee laments that SB 27, a campaign finance reform bill by Democrat State Senator Lou Correa, was unable to pass the Legislature, losing by one vote in the State Senate. The bill was intended to address disclosure of donors to out-of-state organizations that contribute to campaigns and ballot measures in this state. It would close a loop-hole (created and perpetuated by liberal Democrats over the years) in our campaign finance system that allows nonprofit organizations to make contributions to ballot measures but not disclose the source of their funds under certain circumstances. In 1998, Rob Reiner’s “Proposition 10” tobacco tax measure benefited from millions of dollars in such contributions from nonprofit organizations, including out-of-state organizations that failed to disclose – legally – the source of their funds.
In 1998, liberals raised no hue-and-cry about the non-disclosure where the underlying issue was taxing cigarettes, but when an out-of-state nonprofit made a record contribution to try to help defeat Jerry Brown’s Proposition 30 tax hike “for the… Read More