A Chief Engagement Officer for California Businesses
Late last spring, when I told an accountant friend of mine that I was running for California Secretary of State, there was a long pause on the other end of the phone line, then, catharsis: “Pete! We have to get together for coffee this week. You need to know how tough it is for business owners to work with our Secretary of State’s office!”
Days later at the Coffee Bean on Wilshire in West Los Angeles, Carl escorted me into a world of red tape, paper, and problems, which greet the California entrepreneur as she attempts to launch her dream. We don’t think of the office in these terms, but the California Secretary of State is the first person a small business owner sees when they start up a business (filing registration forms), and the last person they see when they leave (filing dissolution forms).
The sight isn’t pretty…coming or going.
As Carl explained to me, “You know, Pete, when a new business owner wants to start their business here in California, we start the paperwork with Sacramento, and knowing that’s going to take a couple weeks, we go online with the Nevada Secretary of State just so we can register that day and my client can… Read More