If Now Isn’t A Time For Change, When Is?
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I am definitely in the camp that California has become a hopeless place for Republicans and/or sane government. The downward spiral has been happening for a long time culminating in the disastrous election of 2006 where Schwarzenegger hogged all the campaign funds, while the Democrats abandoned Phil Angelides and elected all the down-ballot positions wiping out any statewide bench the Republicans might have been able to establish. This election will be a major test of whether the California electorate has finally come to its senses.
The reason that we may have a test is not based on the strength of Republican statewide candidates, but the disaster that the Democratic caucus in the state legislature has become. This week brought about the completion of a trifecta of state senators being charged with crimes with one member already being convicted.
Though the convicted member, Senator Rod Wright, and the one charged with bribery, Senator Ron Calderon, had taken a leave of absence, it wasn’t until Senator Leland Yee was indicted for multiple issues including illegal arms dealing that the Senate suspended the three from their seats. Interestingly, all three were… Read More