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Katy Grimes

State Democrats kill High-Speed Rail accountability spending bill

SACRAMENTO — It is very discouraging that something so clear-cut like the High-Speed Rail Authority’s misspending practices are embraced by state Democrats.

Assembly Bill 1501, by Assemblyman Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, California High Speed Rail Funding Accountability Act, was killed in the Assembly Transportation Committee Monday, with the majority of Democrats voting in opposition.… Read More

Randall Jordan

Burlingame- 2014 California Republican Convention – TPCC Report

Well, it was just over a year ago, last March to be exact, that I plus Norm and Lydia Thompson attended our first CRP (California Republican Party) Convention in Sacramento . We three were brand new delegates from San Luis Obispo County and local Tea Party members. To say Convention was uneventful is an understatement. There was a lot of backslapping and social imbibing going on but not much political activity other than behind closed doors. Oddly enough, it seemed when Lydia or myself would raise questions at the end of meetings on stated platforms or CRP positions, folks would come up to us and want to know where we got our info or inform us that they too were Tea Party members throughout the state.

Well, fast forward to our inaugural Tea Party California Caucus (TPCC) meeting in Anaheim a short seven months later. This Convention was quite different. Energy abounded, free speech and opinions were flying the entire weekend and the social meeting atmosphere changed to one of a political event. CRP Chairman Jim Brulte welcomed us with open but slightly tentative arms. I don’t think he or the “establishment” (CRP Republicans) knew quite what to expect. Oh,… Read More

Rick Manning

War on Bloggers Escalates

By Rick Manning

The First Amendment is a pesky thing to politicians. It allows, nay encourages, the exact kind of diverse political speech that those in power loathe. Born out of the legacy of the Revolutionary War pamphleteers and their radical thoughts of freedom, today these liberty lovers take the form of citizen journalists utilizing the Internet to push ideas, advocate, report and uncover stories that aren’t being told, afflicting the powerful and holding them accountable. This has been at the heart of press freedom, not the corporate media empires that are often little more than government propaganda machines.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), not content to just continue her long running attempt to put a dagger into the right to keep and bear arms, is leading the charge to create a federal government sanctioned journalist licensing system that threatens the First Amendment as well.

Her Orwellian titled “Free Flow of Information Act of 2013”, which is also known as the “media shield bill” has passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Some Reading You Won’t Find Linked On FlashReport

Thought I would “recommend” some reading to you today — a few columns you wouldn’t normally find on this site because we focus on CA politics…


Recently former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice added her voice to those who have long been urging the Republican Party to reach out to black voters. Not only is that long overdue, what is also long overdue is putting some time — and, above all, some serious… Read More

Katy Grimes

Bill to stop High-Speed Rail in its tracks

California’s High-Speed Rail Authority continues to forge ahead with the project to build the $68 billion train system, despite a court decision saying the HSRA cannot use Proposition 1A funds that were approved by the legislature.

To address this and many other controiversial decisions by the HSRA, Assemblyman Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, has introduced AB 1501 to protect California taxpayers from a risky financial obligation by the HSRA.

“By continuing to spend federal money, the HSRA is leaving taxpayers holding a bag full of matching state bond funds that a judge has said can’t be spent,” Patterson said in an interview. “We are essentially overdrawing our bank account by spending these federal funds. We simply don’t have the matching funds required by the… Read More

State Senator Mark Wyland

State agency oversight should be #1 priority of CA Legislature

It’s no secret that many California state agencies lack accountability to voters, taxpayers and the Legislature. A few recent egregious examples are a clarion call for legislative oversight.

The Department of Consumer Affairs computer upgrade recently held up nursing licenses for more than three months – a process which used to take three days to complete.

California’s new Obamacare website, Covered California, has been riddled with paperwork and significant online problems since its rollout in October.

These computer… Read More

Jon Coupal


A proposal supported by some members of the Los Angeles City Council begs the question: Just what do we pay taxes for?

Los Angeles City Officials want to increase sales taxes for which, in return, they will repair the streets. Councilmembers Mitch Englander and Joe Buscaino are promoting the plan, while Councilman Herb Wesson was quick to provide a thumbs up on the tax hike, telling a reporter, “Without a doubt … this city needs some kind of additional revenue stream for us to take care… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Fire Fee Update: A Bad Tax Gets Worse

The fire fee is a bad tax, not just because of the unnecessary burden it places on taxpayers, but because it is horribly inefficient to collect. From the beginning, the process of collecting the Fire Prevention Fee has been lengthy and expensive, proving it is a poor method for funding CAL-FIRE’s fire prevention efforts.

Unfortunately, this month the third round of Fire Prevention Fee bills began going out with the new rate of $152.33 (or $117.33 for the 97% who live in a local fire protection district). This set of bills will be for the 2013-14 fiscal year. Approximately 10,000 bills will be sent each day in alphabetical order by county. This marks the first time the BOE has sent two billings in the same fiscal year.

Remember, in order to be eligible for a refund under the lawsuit against the fire fee, property owners must protest every billing by timely filing a new Petition for Redetermination.

You can find a copy of the billing schedule at

Keep up with all the latest fire fee news by following onRead More

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