Why Do Democrats Hate the Working Middle Class? Let’s Look at Crime
In my last article, I talked about how the Democrats “tax rebate” proposal for relief from high gas prices specifically harmed the working middle class. Those who drive to work every day need a tax holiday, not a tax rebate. Democrats in Sacramento don’t want to give that tax holiday, because they hate the working middle class.
For too long, Democrats have tried to dominate the “we care about the working class” agenda. Their evidence for that is that they “support unions,” which really only means they are in the pocket of the union bosses.
The union bosses are not the “working class.” They are the political class, they are part of the “ruling class.” They force the rank and file workers to send them money (as a part of the collective bargaining process) and then take that money and dump it back into the political process, paying for lobbyists and politicians, to get laws enacted that enhance the union bosses’ power. If you are a worker and you don’t want to pay the union money because you don’t think you get anything for it? Tough beans. You have to pay it anyways, and if… Read More