State estate and inheritance taxes vary DRAMATICALLY. CA is tax-free! However…
As my readers will attest, I’m no fan of California tax policy. But there is one area where the Golden State is tied for the BEST tax policy — we have ZERO estate and inheritance taxes. Don’t betooimpressed — we are tied with 30 other states that now have no such tax — and that number is growing. Check out the map at the bottom of my article from the Tax Foundation.
I’d love to give California politicians credit for repealing the CA estate tax in 1982. But, to no one’s surprise, this repeal was done by the VOTERS — over the OBJECTIONS of our Democrat-controlled state legislature and Big Government bottom feeders. Props 5 and 6 repealing such taxes passed easily, with over 60% of those casting ballots voting approval. http://ballotpedia.org/California_Propositions_5_and_6,_Repeal_of_Inheritance_and_Gift_Tax_Laws_(June_1982)
It’s interesting to read the ballot arguments for … Read More