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Katy Grimes

CA Air Resources Board New Plans Kill-Off Market Economy

If you haven’t read my two lengthy columns earlier this week about the recent Senate committee hearing about how to spend the Air Resource Board’s cap and trade auction revenues, take the time to do so – Part l is HERE, and Part ll is HERE.

They exemplify what takes place inside the State Capitol every day, and show how policy is made.

I transcribed exactly what was said at the four-hour hearing on climate change policies, with Senators deciding how to spend the anticipated $3 to $5 billion a year taxed on California businesses who have been deemed polluters by the California Air Resources Board.

The billions of dollars expected from the CaliforniaAir Resources Board’scap and trade auctions areexpected to pay for the anticipated transition from a market economy to a centrally planned one. Yetnothing in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Julian Morris and Lance Christensen: California’s Proposed Plastic Bag Ban Would Cost Consumers But Won’t Improve the Environment

Nearly 100 municipalities in California have banned the distribution of lightweight plastic shopping bags and imposed mandatory fees on the distribution of recycled paper bags. A bill before the legislature, Senate Bill 270, would impose similar restrictions statewide and could cost California’s consumers over $2 billion per year without providing any environmental benefits.

Proponents of SB 270 and other bag bans claim they will reduce litter and protect the marine environment, diminish our consumption of resources and emissions of greenhouse gases, reduce waste and save taxpayers’ money. As we show in a new Reason Foundation study, all of these claims are false.

Plastic bag litter is not an environmental menace. According to the most authoritative study, it constitutes only 0.6 percent of visible litter across the United States. So, even banning all plastic bags would have little impact on overall litter. And, contrary to claims made by ban proponents, it… Read More

Richard Rider

The San Diego Police Department IS corrupt. No if’s, and’s or but’s.

JUNE 19, 2014 The San Diego Police Department IS corrupt. No if’s, and’s or but’s. by Richard Rider By that I mean the SDPD TOLERATES police corruption — criminal actions by police officers, and ACTIVELY covers up for misdemeanors and felonies committed by its favored officers. As far as can be found, only a relative handful of officers have (until recently) been getting away with felonies against civilians — though some are serial offenders — using their badge and authority to coerce (primarily) sexual favors from others. But normally there’s the “iceberg” effect — we see only the 10% “above water.”It’s not just the bad apples committing felonies that bother … Read More

Barry Jantz

Winners of the FlashReport/Rostra Primary Election Contest!

Over 40 readers submitted guesses in another competitive contest to guess the June 3 election results.

Before I get to the winners, first the questions, the correct answers, and a little analysis. But, even before that, just a mention of what San Diego City Council candidate Chris Cate had to say when submitting his contest entry:

“First off, my life is complete now that I’m included in a Rostra election quiz!”

That pretty much sums up the entire meaning of life. Thanks, Chris.

The Results:

1. County Board of Supervisors, District 5 — Bill Horn or Jim Wood?

A softball to start? Apparently, as all but one respondent correctly guessed Bill Horn would win.

2. San Diego County District Attorney — Candidates Bob Brewer, Bonnie Dumanis, Terri Wyatt. There WILL be a November runoff election, True or False?

False. Dumanis wrapped up re-election in the primary. Yet, just over 50 percent of you thought this race would go to a runoff.

3. Mayor, City of Chula Vista —… Read More

James Jenkins

Totalitarian ‘Democracy’ in California

In the last year, the “Super-Majority” of radical Democrats in Sacramento have: removed the few existing abortion regulations in California; authorized non-physicians to do abortions; and now the financial coffers of the state have been thrown wide open to the abortion industry via California’s most exorbitant budget in history. Abortionists will specifically receive a 40% rate increase.

President Pro Tem Steinberg has declared that the California State Budget is an ‘example of how negotiation can work.’

But given the inescapable fact that Californians are living under a single-party, ‘lock step’ regime, a party (California Democrat Party) almost entirely propped up by those who receive direct government subsidy and emoluments, this cannot properly be called ‘negotiation’ as much as it should be called ‘dividing the… Read More

Mike Morrell

Higher Taxes on the Way?

It’s no secret that Californians pay more in taxes than those in neighboring states. We’re at the top of the charts when it comes to the state sales tax, our corporate tax rates are the highest in the west, and drivers here pay one of the steepest gas taxes in the country. Yet, despite these facts, some in Sacramento don’t think these taxes are enough.

Their primary target is undoing the taxpayer protections put in place by voters over three decades ago through Proposition 13. Passed in 1978 when inflation… Read More

Katy Grimes

Thank Oil and Gas For Your Comfortable Lifestyle

By Tom Tanton and Katy Grimes

Many in America have grown convinced the world would become Utopia if it wasn’t for evil, dirty oil.Ironically, these oil critics are alwayssuccessful beneficiaries of the U.S. free enterprise system. When theydemonize oil profits,they show just how misinformed they are.

The relationship between oil and gas, and humans, is inextricably linked. As a nation’s economy grows, its oil consumption naturally follows suit.

Would America be a better place without the “Big Oil” and gas industry? Or is the vehemence behind demonizing oil and gas just a ploy for extracting exorbitant and punitive taxes? The… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Upcoming Telephone Townhall for Manufacturing Industry

On Tuesday, July 1 at 10:00 a.m. I will be hosting a telephone townhall for California’s manufacturers. The free event, co-hosted by the California Manufacturers and Technology Association, will provide information on tax issues specific to the manufacturing industry, including the new manufacturing sales tax exemption that takes effect July 1, 2014.

The manufacturing sector employs more than one million Californians and adds more than $200 billion to our economy every year. My goal is to help manufacturers understand California’s complicated tax laws and ensure they are aware of the valuable new tax incentive available to them.

Those wishing to participate may register online at or by calling 916-445-3032.

Individuals who pre-register will receive a telephone call at the start of the event inviting them to connect to the townhall. During the event, callers will have an opportunity to ask questions.… Read More

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