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Bruce Bialosky

Mr. Roberts, Where Are You?

Chief Justice John Roberts has expressed that he feels compelled to protect the image of the Supreme Court since he was sworn in as the leader. That is why we have been told he conceived of the Obamacare Individual Mandate as being a tax. That is after the President and the supporters of Obamacare stated repeatedly it was not a tax, thus saving Obamacare in the ruling on National Federation of Independent Business et al vs. Sebelius. Why at this critical juncture is he not vociferously defending the court?

Let us begin by defining the fact that I am wholly in favor of the divide we currently have in this country between what has been characterized as “Red” and “Blue” states. The states are designed as incubators of public policy. In a society where we have significant choices, people make decisions which states have not only the best climate and best jobs for them, but the best public policy that aligns with their views.

There have been many discussions regarding people relocating to red states during COVID. A few years only tells part of the story. The three most populated blue states are New York, Illinois, and California. I looked at their population… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

An Amazing Conundrum

What happens when you have a quandary — a predicament of your own making that you never expected to happen and exposes you to being a fool no matter which way you turn. That happened in the last week when some people latched on to the story of a 10-year-old getting an abortion.

A story spread through the MSM that a 10-year-old rape victim had left Ohio to go to Indiana to have an abortion. Supposedly, a child abuse doctor called a colleague in Indianapolis to facilitate the procedure. This was because of the Dobbs ruling, where Ohio would no longer allow abortions after six weeks. The girl was now pregnant for six weeks and three days.

The Indianapolis Star published the story with no verification and there was no reported rape that anyone could find. Yet, the story spread because it fit an agenda. It spread all the way to President Biden. Biden cited the story last week after signing an executive order on abortion access, saying the 10-year-old “was forced to travel out of state to Indiana to seek to terminate the pregnancy and maybe save her life.” Now it was a “lifesaving” procedure as the story took on greater urgency.

While the… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

The Single Most Dangerous Aspect of the J6 Committee

Given how opinion is divided on this issue, the reaction to that headline will either be there are too many to count or nothing the committee does is dangerous because Trump is the real danger. There are lots of reasons to question the committee, however one stands out, but you must dig deep. I recently had lunch with a friend who is of a different political persuasion. We did not discuss politics except for him asking me two binary questions. One was whether I was watching the hearing. The simple answer was no. The answer produced a bodily reaction from him but elicited no follow-up questions.

I spoke to him the next day and told him I thought his questions were inadequate because he had not asked for further definition of my thoughts. He blamed me for not offering more information even though I answered his questions as posed. We then discussed my thoughts on both matters.

There are many reasons to have disdain for the J6 committee, but it starts with how it was conceived. We all know that Nancy Pelosi rejected Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s selections for two people to serve on the committee. This broke long standing House rules. Of course, Nancy had… Read More

Ray Haynes

Oh, the Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth

I remember as a child seeing the bumper stickers “Impeach Earl Warren.” For those who don’t remember the Warren Court, I’ll rehash a little history.

Earl Warren was a “progressive” Governor of California, who was appointed to the Supreme Court by Dwight Eisenhower as a part of the deal made by Eisenhower to get the Republican nomination for President in 1952. Eisenhower had not been able to secure the nomination over his more conservative opponent, Robert Taft of Ohio, and so, to obtain the Republican nomination, he went to Governor Earl Warren and Senator Richard Nixon, then the heads of the California delegation to the Republican National Convention, and told them he would choose one of them for his Vice President and one for the first vacancy to the Supreme Court, if they delivered the California delegation for his nomination. The rest is history. Warren was appointed to the Supreme Court. Dwight Eisenhower once called it the “biggest mistake” of his presidency.

The year is 1962. The case is Engel v. Vitale. The Supreme Court declared prayer in schools unconstitutional under the Establishment clause of the… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

On the Road Again 2

Nothing speaks vacation more than having empty pockets, no keys, no cell phone, no TV, and no driving.

After departing the barren landscapes of Iceland and the Faroe Islands, we arrived in the lush landscape of Norway. Scandinavia (of which Iceland and Faroe Islands are part) always fascinates as they are countries comprised largely of homogenous populations except for the recent influx of foreigners, mainly Muslims, brought to Europe by the diktat of Germany’s Angela Merkel.

Arriving in Norway was a lesson in not believing what one reads on the internet. Two things I read were that you should not look Norwegians in the eye and that they really do not like tourists with Americans at the top of the list. That would make sense since we are quite a noisy crowd who like to look people in the eye and fist-pump new acquaintances. Both points were disproved completely. We found Norwegians to be friendly and helpful and not just at hotels and restaurants. Most spoke English and well. They should since there are more people of Norwegian heritage in the U.S. than in Norway.

As much as we plan a trip, we often change our itinerary. Though Oslo is quite a beautiful… Read More

Ray Haynes

It’s Really Not Their Money

In his book, Parliament of Whores, PJ O’Rourke noted that taxes are extracted from people by force, that is, the threat of imprisonment if you don’t pay. Therefore, he says, a tax should be thought along the lines that “you are putting a gun to your grandma’s head” to get the money. Only those things that you can justify paying for by taking the money from grandma by force should be funded by government. If you cannot say in good conscience, grandma should pay for free stuff for illegal aliens (as an example), then government should not fund it. The money for it was extracted from everyone by force.

The Legislature is set to pass a budget today. They are set to approve all the money they stole from grandma by force. It’s a budget that shows their contempt for the working people of California and their subservience to the government employee unions that control the levers of power in California. The seeds of the destruction that will be caused by this spending spree have been planted, and, while some have mentioned it, no one emphasizes how irresponsible the budget really is.

Let’s start with the headlines… Read More

Jon Fleischman

With Inflation On The Rise, Who Is Going To Vote for Expensive SB 54?

What if I told you that the legislature is hastily looking at passing a massive de facto tax increase that is going to make every-day living for all Californians more expensive? You might ask why they would do this? Especially right now? Have they seen our gas prices? Our grocery prices? Our everything prices? We are on the verge of sliding into a recession in our country – and legislators are poised to make it worse?

Yep – enter Senate Bill 54. I actually found out on Twitter (which is complete post-Dobbs… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

With an Actual Ruling, Let’s Discuss Abortion

I wrote a column for the Los Angeles Times 22 years ago defining my position on abortion. They ran it because of my positions. I expressed support for first trimester abortions only and being in favor of no government funding. I favor parental notice. Not much has changed since then and I still hold 80% of Americans agree with that position.

The idea of trimesters did not even exist until Justice Harry Blackmun made it up in Roe V. Wade. In 1973 we had medical standards that were much different than today. Are we to believe that the science surrounding abortion and a fetus in the womb has not evolved? It has as well as the diseases that would cause many mothers to abort their unborn child. Since that time, it has become scientifically clearer that late-term abortions rarely if ever are justified and that the babies are viable. “Rare” is not the estimated 13,000 late-term abortions currently performed every year. I have since written that for many on the Left, there are three issues about which they are concerned – abortion, abortion, and abortion. Little has changed.

I also expressed that the argument that exists today was created because the Left does what… Read More

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