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Ron Nehring

Newsom and Harris choose politics over leadership on Central American children issue

The crisis resulting from tens of thousands of Central American children traversing dangerous territory to cross our porous border is one that demands leadership. But don’t look for it from those who currently occupy California’s highest offices.

In a Friday story, the Los Angeles Times discovered that for governor aspirants Gavin Newsom (D) and Kamala Harris (D), politics trumps all.

While most of the crossings are not taking place along the California-Mexico border, there is an obvious impact on our state as federal agencies use California-based facilities to process the children.

The protests and counter-protests taking place outside of the Murietta Border Patrol facility symbolize the strong emotions evoked by this crisis. It was difficult enough to have a reasonable discussion about immigration before the current crisis. That is made even worse by today’s chaotic atmosphere. Some semblance of order must be restored, and that requires some leadership.

It seems that Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Kamala Harris are not… Read More

Asm. Dan Logue

July 4th Reminds Us of the Price of Freedom

The Fourth of July is a time when we celebrate America’s independence and remember that this privilege came at a great cost.

For most of us, we first learned the story of our country’s independence in school, where we learned about legends such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and places such as Lexington and Yorktown. We learned that many lost their lives in the Revolutionary War that raged after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and that the effects of that Declaration have rippled throughout history.

The simple truth is that our country is free today because patriots past and present risked their lives, fortunes, and their sacred honor to ensure America’s independence from Great Britain. Much blood was shed on both sides, but the result of the Revolutionary War was clear – the fledging country known as the United States of America survived its first crucial test of freedom.

Independence Day carries a very special significance for me not only because I am proud to be an American, but because I can trace my family roots back to the Founding Fathers. In fact, I can count four of them as my direct descendents. Three were in… Read More

Why I Am Leaving California

I have lived in California for 52 years, save a few when the Army stationed me elsewhere.

I could fill pages and pages with lists of things I love about California, including the incredible natural beauty up and down the state, cool history, awesome ethnic enclaves of every type, fun cities and peaceful mountains.

But, on July 1, I am moving out of California, with regrets but without second thoughts. This state is simply no longer a desirable place to live for my family.

Part of the problem is that the state government has run amok. It’s high spending has meant ever-increasing taxes and stringent regulations that lead to higher prices on everything from food to gasoline. And I am tired of how state government is negatively impacting my life and my family.

Let’s start with the cost of university for my oldest daughter, who will start college in a year. California has some world-class universities, but they are also expensive.

Despite significant increases in state spending on higher education, the total cost to send my oldest daughter to a University in California is much, much higher than it is in, say, Texas, Virginia, and… Read More

Katy Grimes

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Statism

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
 – Ben Franklin

On January 1, I posed the question, “What will Liberty look like in 2014?” Six months later, the only honest answer is “less and less.”

Liberty… Read More

Katy Grimes

On Independence Day, Gerawan Farming Gives Employees Raises

On the eve of the Independence Day, farm workers at Gerawan Farms received notice that their employer is proposing a wage increase to $11.00 per hour.

The minimum wage just went up to $9, July 1. In 2016, the wage will go up to $10 an hour.

While peach and table grape grower Gerawan Farming demonstrates its workers have the freedom to earn the highest industry wages, the Agricultural Labor Relations Board and United Farm Workers labor union continue to deprive the workers of the right to choose.

The ALRB is steadfast in its effort to force a contract on the workers they obviously do not want. The workers knew the contents of that so-called contract when they voted on November 5 to decertify the UFW labor union. In the spirit of Independence Day, the ALRB should finally count the ballots and let freedom ring for the workers.

“Mr. Gerawan has always helped us,” said Silvia Lopez,… Read More

Rep. Ed Royce

USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi Needs to Come Home

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About a week ago, I had the honor of meeting U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, two-time Afghanistan war veteran, son, and proud American. I thanked him for his service to our country. Unfortunately, our meeting took place in a prison in Mexico, where he has been held since the 31st of March. Andrew was arrested at the Mexican border after mistakenly driving there in his truck packed with all of his earthly possessions, including three legally acquired and registered firearms that happen to be illegal to possess in Mexico. Andrew wasn’t trying to enter Mexico; he simply got lost and was funneled by the highway into Mexico, with nowhere to turn around.

Andrew is not the first American to run afoul of the laws of a foreign country, and he certainly will not be the last. But Andrew is no ordinary American; he is a U.S. Marine who served the United States with valor and honor. Andrew’s selfless… Read More

Katy Grimes

Hobby Lobby case no ‘Fluke’ over ‘lady parts’ and religious rights

Immediately following the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold religious rights inBurwell v.Hobby Lobby the left and Democrats predictably responded that the 5-4 decision means a ban on contraception for women.

Reproductive rights” activist, and California State Senate… Read More

Edward Ring

Union Grip on California’s Government Still Stronger than Ever

Before anyone gets out the balloons and starts celebrating theHarris vs. Quinndecision too much, step back, sober up, and reflect on the scope of what happened, and where it puts us in this war. To use a WWII analogy, we just won the Battle of Britain. The Luftwaffe no longer dominates the skies over London. That’s significant. This is, perhaps, as Churchill once said, “the end of the beginning.” But from Al Alamein to Stalingrad to the Beaches of Normandy, our ultimate destiny still hangs in the balance.

To carry this metaphor further, California today might be compared to Nazi occupied Europe in 1941, where the possibility of liberation was years in the future, if ever. While across America the forces of freedom celebrate what is indeed a strategic victory, in California, an occupying army continues to build their own 21st century version of Fortress Europa.

To appreciate the undiminished political supremacy public employee unions still have in Sacramento, the State Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee hearing on June 23 provides… Read More

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