Scores of CA school bonds this November — to pay for educational materials, not capital costs
Heads up! This November there will be scores of new local school bonds on the ballot in California, each raising property taxes. We have seven such bonds in just San Diego County alone. But this year most of the school bonds will be different – and not in a good way.
Anyone remember how Prop 30 was going to provide the needed funding for education? Apparently it’s not enough. It’s NEVER enough.
Sadly, I predict that most such California bonds will not even have an opposition argument in the ballot books. I’m doing what I can to get some arguments submitted in my county – fortunately our county GOP stands firmly with the taxpayers in this matter.
NOTE: Submitting an opposition argument will force proponents (mostly the unions) to spend considerably more money to get their bonds passed – itself a good thing. And you can win – it’s NOT a hopeless quest to stand tall against such tax increases. Witness our June effort against the Coronado school bonds for operating budget money – the prop was crushed with a resounding 58% “NO!” vote.… Read More