Departing businesses hide their reasons for leaving California — but here’s a refreshing exception
We critics of California’s anti-business, anti-wealth, pro-litigation mindset get upset that the businesses that CA governments drive out of our state will seldom tell WHY they are leaving. Well, they DO come up with numerous reasons in their press releases, but most are “positive” factors that make somewhere else a preferred choice — rather than detailing the NEGATIVE factors that drive them out of the Golden State. ONE thing’s for sure — they are not leaving for the better weather!
But look it it from the standpoint of departing business owners and management. There’s no profit in announcing the real reasons they are living. Two major considerations call for avoiding criticizing California:
1. California is a notoriously vindictive state — the many agencies sometimes come after critics of thestatus quo. Even after they leave the state. Remember, if such companies do ANY business in the state, they face potentially onerous tax and regulatory repercussions. Plus the vicious FTB can come after you by going back years in tax… Read More