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Katy Grimes

CA Air Board Postpones ‘Giant Climate Change Coalition’ Carbon Auction with Québec

Wednesday the California Air Resources Board announced the first joint cap-and-trade carbon credits auctionbetween California and Québechas been postponed due to “technical difficulties.” Some carbon followers say the new auction will be scheduled in the next three working days.

Under AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act, the 2006 legislation signed into law was to supposedly lower the state’s carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. CARB recently added to the carbon reduction plan the goal of 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, because California already reached 1992 levels just with technological advances in autos, as… Read More

Richard Rider

All one needs to know about guns and crime in 3 charts

FROM BRAD BOSWELL: Check out the 2012 CCW lists of states below. Look at where things were in 2002.In 1987, Florida was just the 9th state that addedconcealed carry permits. The NRA has done awesome work over 25 years.Violent crime has not gone up with the dramatic expansion of CCW permits.



Admittedly, this isn’t all one needs to know about crime and guns in three charts, but it does substantiate the general claim made by many pro-gun advocates, including myself, that expanding concealed carry does not increase crime rates. In fact, one can argue the opposite is true based on the… Read More

Katy Grimes

CARB, EPA Shakedown Hyundai and Kia Over New Car ‘Dirty Emissions’

The Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Justice just ‘settled’ an historic lawsuit with Hyundai, Kia, over alleged Clean Air Act violations, based on the carmakers’ sale of vehicles that are anticipated to emit more greenhouse gas emissions than certified to the EPA.

The EPA and DOJ are hitting the automakers with collective penalties valued at around $300 million for Clean Air Act violations including $100-million in civil penalties, the largest such fines in EPA history.

The $100 million… Read More

Edward Ring

The Amazing, Obscure, Complicated and Gigantic Pension Loophole

“The bottom line is that claiming the unfunded liability cost as part of an officer’s compensation is grossly and deliberately misleading.” –LAPPL Board of Directors on 08/07/2014, in their post “Misuse of statistics behind erroneous LA police officer salary claims.”

This assertion, one that is widely held among representatives of public employees, lies at the heart of the debate over how much public employees really make, and greatly skews the related debate over how much pension funds can legitimately expect to earn on their invested assets.

Pension fund contributions have two components, the “normal contribution” and the “unfunded contribution.” The normal contribution represents the present value of future retirement pension income that is earned in any current year. For example, if an actively working participant in a pension plan earns “3% at 55,” then each year, another 3% is added to the total percentage that is multiplied by their final year of earnings in order to… Read More

Kevin Dayton

Berkeley Considers Climate Change Labels on Fuel Pumps: Submit Your Ideas for Words of Warning!

UPDATE: The Berkeley City Council voted 7-2 to proceed with its plan to mandate climate change warning labels on fuel pumps. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is also expected to consider a label mandate.

Tonight (November 18, 2014) the Berkeley City Council will discuss issuing a directive to the City Manager to “draft an ordinance within the next three months, enforceable under Berkeley Codes, to require climate change labels at fuel dispensing facilities.” A staff report indicates that the costs of this program are expected to be less than $20,000 in the first year and considerably less thereafter. (What a deal!) Enforcement fines are anticipated to pay for some of it.

Staff would be assigned to develop the ordinance, procure and distribute the labels, monitor compliance, and enforce the ordinance. The city would also incur costs to design, produce and deliver the labels.

According to a staff report, this label program is a “behavioral change strategy to encourage people to use alternative methods of transpiration (sic).” The Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) has threatened to file a lawsuit challenging this… Read More

Jon Coupal


The far left smugly promotes a cartoonish image of upper income individuals as those who enjoy limousines, expensive wine, travel and lavish parties. If one listens long enough to so-called “progressives,” one may begin to imagine that all rich people look like Uncle Pennybags, the little tycoon mascot of the Parker Brothers Monopoly game.

The myth, as perpetrated by progressives, is that the wealthy got to the top by cheating the little guy, gaming the system and evading taxes. Of course, under this view, the rich are unquestionably evil and the very rich are known as the “One Percent.” You don’t get any more evil than members of the One Percent. (Unless, of course, an extremely wealthy individual devotes millions of dollars to advance Al Gore’s view of global warming, in which case they get a pass and advance directly to Go).

Given this myth – and it’s perpetuation by main stream media – it is ironic how many of those associated with government, most of whom share the far left ideology, are living like the cartoon version of the One Percent.

Please click here to read the entire column… Read More

Katy Grimes

Fraud, Public Corruption, Secrecy and Lies Rock Sacramento

One of the biggest scandals to ever rock Sacramento is currently taking place.

The monumental scandal was exposed last week by the local weekly newspaper,Sacramento News and Review. So far,The Sacramento Beeis silent on the scandal.

Despite civil-engineering experts who say most of the city’s water pipes are in perfectly good shape, the city of Sacramento is spending at minimum, $474 million to install Sacramento’s new water meters in several downtown neighborhoods, SN&Rreported.

While not unique to California, fraud, corruption and scandal is apparently how Sacramento city government rolls.

While Sacramento’s Mayor Kevin Johnson has dubiously distracted city taxpayers with his delusions of NBA arena grandeur, he and Sacramento City Council members have been orchestrating one of the biggest hustles the city has ever seen, behind closed doors.

This is the very same Mayor Johnson who… Read More

Richard Rider

Bogus claims that military families earn poverty-level pay is poverty pimping

Our military personnel have a far more arduous (and often FAR more dangerous) job than any civil service position — including police, firefighters, etc. They must be ready to leave their families for months at a time, while living in Spartan conditions. And they are ALWAYS “on call.” It’s a tough job.

But this SAN DIEGO U-T commentary’s poverty claim (see below) for military families is nonsense. It’s a false claim that has circulated for years with little challenge. Our military families don’t get the huge paychecks of our police and firefighters, but they do NOT live in poverty. Not even close.

To start with, this piece is written by a nonprofit CEO who apparently makes his living off this thesis – doling out grants to military personnel after likely taking his cut off the top. Follow the money.

The fact that the CEO profits from getting more money donated for his organization does not IN ITSELF tell us he is dishonest or perhaps sloppy in his advocacy. But this obvious conflict of interest should cause one to be a bit suspect. Too often, people do not look at the economic interests of advocates or opponents… Read More

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