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Katy Grimes

Lawmakers Propose Exemption For January Gas Tax

California, the state obsessed with being first at everything, is aiming to add another first to its record books — Not content to be the first state in the country to tax the air we breathe, California will be the first in the nation to impose a cap and trade tax on transportation fuels.

In response, Assemblyman Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, and Sen. Andy Vidak, R-Hanford, and more than 20 other Republican lawmakers, announced Monday, the introduction of theAffordable Gas for California Families Act,legislation to exempt transportation fuels and natural gas from the California Air Resource Board’scap-and-trade program.

The move afoot by the radical left to strip Americans of their cars under the guise of environmentalism, knows no bounds.

With the second highest gas taxes in the country, and a flailing cap and trade program, whose only trading partner is Quebec,California is already paying the price.

While the rest of the country is currently enjoying lower gas prices, Californians will be faced with a hefty new… Read More

Katy Grimes

‘Conversations On Race’ Missing Irrefutable Issues

However little the Republicans Party offered voters in the Nov. election, the Democrats offered far worse. Democrats showed once again they are more interested in ginning up discontent and unrest in America as long as this unrest puts Democrats in office. They care nothing for governing the country or for the health and welfare of its citizens.

They’ve proven they have no interest in healthy race relationships and instead work exactly opposite in order to gain and retain political offices.

“Most Americans are put off by the ‘us versus them’ tone of current political debates, and most prefer political leaders who ‘are… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SD37: Moorlach And Wagner Will Face Off For Walters’ Senate Seat

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I received an email this morning from term-limited Supervisor John Moorlach, who has decided to run for the State Senate.

It’s the overwhelmingly Republican 37th State Senate seat currently occupied by Mimi Walters. She will vacate the seat when she is sworn into Congress in January, setting the table for a special election.

Moorlach joins Assemblyman Don Wagner who has already announced his candidacy (see his blog post announcing his candidacy on this site).

Both Moorlach and Wagner are conservatives, the former being a bit more iconic because of his prediction of the County of Orange’s bankruptcy back in the 90’s.

Neither Moorlach nor Wagner are known as being prolific fundraisers — though Wagner has had his eye in this seat for some time and starts with a head start.

One big question is whether the presence of two conservative foreshadows a more moderate entry into the race.

If Moorlach can raise (or self fund) 200k or more he would be very formidable for anyone, including Wagner, to beat. But that’s a big if. Moorlach… Read More

Richard Rider

Could California’s sky-high state income tax adversely impact our pro sports teams? Uh oh.

by Richard Rider UPDATED: November, 2014

In 2011 the Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami Heat for the NBA title. The next year the upstart Oklahoma Thunder lost to the Miami Heat in the NBA finals. In 2013 the Miami Heat repeated, defeating the aging San Antonio Spurs. In 2014 the ageless Spurs avenged their loss from the previous year, beating the Heat in the finals.

What did these VERY different teams have in common? With the exception of the Thunder, all the finalists are “housed” in states with zero state income tax! Moreover, Oklahoma’s top state income tax is a rather modest 5.25% — and there are proposals to further lower this top OK tax bracket.

Coincidence? Maybe. Was this factor the ONLY reason these teams made it to the finals? Definitely not!

But because of a little-known change in the 2013 federal income tax law, this match-up of low/no tax income state finalists in pro sports playoffs may become more and more common. This change is particularly bad news for California sports fans.

State income taxes has always been a consideration for the truly wealthy. But starting in 2013, for income above $2 million,… Read More

Richard Rider

Texas employment success carries entire country on its back!

An amazing chart of an amazing job-creating state; we owe a debt of gratitude to ‘Saudi Texas’ and the shale boom

Carpe Diem The chart above shows a most amazing economic phenomenon: Since December 2007 when the Great Recession started, Texas civilian employment has increased by 12.4% and by more than 1.36 million jobs, from just over 11 million jobs in December 2007 to 12.37 million in October of this year (see blue line in chart). In contrast, civilian employment in the other49 states without Texasis still 0.26% and more than 350,000 jobsbelow the December 2007 level(see red line in chart) — … Read More

Katy Grimes

Feminists’ Bogus ‘War on Women’ Battered In November Elections

The feminists’ bogus “war on women” took a beating in the November elections. That’s why they’ve been so quietly lately.

The phony war on women narrative was only ever really a war on those who believe women should have to pay for their own birth control, and those who are opposed to abortion. But the war was ginned-up with thenon-existent pay gap,and thephony campus rape crisis.

The beat-down is largely because feminism does not live up to its definition. And it does not represent most women.

Today’s feminism is victimization; it encourages blaming other people for mistakes, bad choices, and failures. The problem today is that feminists now push public policy.

Last week a feminist professor said that America should stop putting all women in jail, for any crime.

Campus Reform reported, “Patricia O’Brien, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois’s Jane Addam’s College of Social Work, contends that the majority of women in prison are merely non-violent, poorly educated, unemployed, and abused, according to her op-ed in… Read More

Edward Ring

More Taxes and Tuition Buy Time for the Pension Bubble

“The ‘recovery’ is largely an illusion created by the effects of zero percent interest rates, quantitative easing, and deficit spending. The asset bubbles that have been created as a result of these policies have primarily benefited the owners of stocks, bonds, and real estate (the rich), while simultaneously deterring the savings and capital investment that is needed to actually create good paying jobs and increased purchasing power.” – Peter Schiff,EuroPacific Weekly, November 6, 2014

The question everyone should be asking, especially the managers of public employee pension funds, is how much longer can our economy run on zero percent (adj. for inflation) interest rates, quantitative easing, and deficit spending.

When askedhow we unwind all of this debt and deficits in a manner that doesn’t trigger a collapse of collateral and potentially catastrophic deflation, i.e., how do we create the preconditions for sustainable economic growth, respected economics bloggerCharles HughRead More

Assemblyman Donald P. Wagner

Wagner for State Senate

With the support of my family, friends, and numerous community leaders, I am excited to announce my candidacy for the 37th State Senate District seat here in the heart of Orange County.

Congratulations to Sen. Mimi Walters on her election to Congress. She has been a fierce advocate for pension reform, a strong ally to small businesses, and an eloquent conservative voice in the State Legislature. Her experience and insight in Washington will benefit Orange County and the entire country.

Sen. Walter’s election to Congress leaves a vacancy in her 37th State Senate District seat. Under our Constitution, that vacancy will be filled shortly by a special election. Because of term limits, my opportunity to continue serving in the legislature beyond the next election requires that I seek this Senate seat. That is why I today announce my candidacy to succeed Sen. Walters.

I am sincerely grateful to the voters who have sent me to Sacramento for three consecutive terms in the legislature from two separate Assembly Districts encompassing most of the new Senate seat. I turn to them again for their support to continue delivering the… Read More

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