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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Coupal


Let’s be honest. When politicians and pundits discuss the state budget, very little is about the impact on homeowners. Notwithstanding the fact that a person’s home is their most important asset, this lack of perspective is understandable. When people think about political issues impacting their status as homeowners, they are far more likely to focus on local taxation – fees for utilities, parcel taxes, local bond debt, etc.

But state finances in California can – and do – have a profound impact on one’s status as a homeowner and, unfortunately, it is rarely in a good way. First, homeowners should be aware that there is no bright line between local governments and the state. State laws on school finance, redevelopment, law enforcement, natural resources and transportation have a huge impact the budgets of cities, counties and special districts.

Take schools, for example. Because of California Supreme Court rulings in the 1970’s, local school districts have lost a great deal of local control over their budgets. (Contrary to urban legend, loss of local control had very little to do with Prop 13). Much of K-12 funding now comes from the state. And the… Read More

Ernie Konnyu


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Why could the correct Republican win the 2016 California U.S. Senate seat now held by my former House colleague, retiring Senator Barbara Boxer? Well! Because the Democrats will anoint their Attorney General, “Princess ‘I kept my nose clean’” Kamala Harris. In Harris the Democrats have an attractive do nothing but a most precious of all multicultural candidates, a political two-fer: an attorney with a ticket who is a “woman of color.”

If the Senate contest were solely about qualifications, Harris would lose hands down as one “wag” pointed out. She has no legislative experience in either California or in Washington for this Senate job. Recall her terrible tenure described in the pages of the San Francisco Chronicle . As San Francisco’s District Attorney, she mismanaged evidence and investigations, resulting in the withdrawal of hundreds of criminal charges, the acts and omissions entirely in line with her permissive law enforcement views. Then, there’s the little matter of her reneging on her oath of office, when she refused to enforce laws she didn’t personally agree with such as the death penalty and California’s law prohibiting… Read More

Jon Fleischman

On The Passing Of Dr. Harry Jaffa – An American Treasure

Publisher’s Note: It is with great sorrow that we note the passing last Saturday of one of America’s unsung heroes — Professor Harry Jaffa. Jaffa, who was 96 years of age, played a key role in the modern intellectual conservative movement for his works, especially those on the topic of Abraham Lincoln. This afternoon Jaffa will be laid to rest. In conjunction with this somber event, we are pleased present this obituary of Dr. Jaffa penned by my friend and fellow Jaffa devotee Keith Carlson. Keith and I both had the honor of being taught by Professor Jaffa when we each went through the Claremont Institute’s Lincoln Fellowship program – Jon Fleischman.

ON THE PASSING OF DR. HARRY JAFFA – AN AMERICAN TREASURE By Keith Carlson, Claremont Institute Lincoln Fellow

All Men Are Created Equal. They are equal in worth, yes; but in ability, no. Harry Jaffa not only reminded us of this fact, but proved it through his life and his life’s work.

In writing Crisis of the House Divided, Professor Jaffa… Read More

Katy Grimes

CA Air Resources Board May Choke on Diesel Regulations

Shasta College in Redding, California has a diesel engine mechanics class, which gives students entry-level job skills into a diesel technology career. But the college had to destroy all of its diesel engines following implementation of the California Air Resources Board’s diesel regulations, which were based on bogus science.

California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, passed under AB 32, requires cutting greenhouse gas emissions in California to 1990 levels by year 2020.

Under AB 32, the California Air Resources Board has demanded trucking companies, construction firms, supply chains, and all other businesses which use diesel trucks, retrofit or replace their diesel equipment.

But there are problems with these regulations in the Golden State.

CARB Missed the ‘Coordination’ Phase

In November 2013, the Alliance for California Business filed a complaint in Glenn County Superior Court over the mandated diesel particulate filters that… Read More

State Senator John Moorlach

Why I’m Running

[Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, we are pleased to present this column from former OC Supervisor John Moorlach.]

If you are new to the FlashReport, please check out the main site and the acclaimed FlashReport Weblog onRead More

Katy Grimes

Gov. ‘Moonbeam’s Historical Transformation of ‘Crazifornia’

The Golden State of California has been dubbed “Crazifornia” and “La-la land,” and called “the land of fruits and nuts.” Furthermore, California’s governor, Jerry Brown, is known as “Governor Moonbeam,” a moniker from which he’d like to disentangle himself.

The rest of the country believes California has earned and deserves these disparaging names. And unless something changes in this batty state, Governor Moonbeam is on track to meticulously and completely destroy the state’s economy and bankrupt the government.

But hey… who’s going to stop him? The media?

Gov’s Agenda – Not Voters’Read More

Edward Ring

Money for Nothing – Public Administrators Have Minimal Authority or Accountability

On January 14th the Orange County Board of Education will meet to consider, among other things,approving a 2% increase for the Orange County superintendent’s salary. Using data provided by the Orange County Dept. of Education to Transparent California, it can be seen that in 2013 the superintendent, Al Mijares,earned a base salary of $293,500, along with additional employer paid “benefits” of $50,482, for a total of $338,482.

To evaluate whether or not this level of compensation is appropriate, the first step is to evaluate how much superintendents make in other California school districts. Using data provided by theNational Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education, and California Department of Education, and compiled, we downloaded enrollment and academic performance information for 786 California school districts.… Read More

Edward Ring

The Abundance Choice

The prevailing challenge facing humanity when confronted with resource constraints is not that we are running out of resources, but how we will adapt and create new and better solutions to meet the needs that currently are being met by what are arguably scarce or finite resources. If one accepts this premise, that we are not threatened by diminishing resources, but rather by the possibility that we won’t successfully adapt and innovate to create new resources, a completely different perspective on resource scarcity and resource policies may emerge.

Across every fundamental area of human needs, history demonstrates that as technology and freedom is advanced, new solutions evolve to meet them. Despite tragic setbacks of war or famine that provide examples to contradict this optimistic claim, overall the lifestyle of the average human being has inexorably improved across the centuries. While it is easy to examine specific consumption patterns today and suggest we now face a tipping point wherein shortages of key resources will overwhelm us, if one examines key resources one at a time, there is a strong argument that such a catastrophe, if it does occur, will be the result… Read More

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