California ranked worst state for “dying middle class”
Here’s a recent survey of states, ranking them as to how bad it has been for the middle class though this recession. Sadly, California is ranked worst.
And not by a small amount. We are 17% worse than the 2nd worst state (Vermont). http://247wallst.com/special-report/2015/01/22/states-where-the-middle-class-is-dying/5/
Every year since 1992, California has had a net annual OUTFLOW of “domestic migration” (migration between states). EVERY year.
Cumulatively since 1992 we’ve lost an astonishing net 3.8 million people to other states. I say again — NET!
That’s hard for us geezers to grasp, as we almost ALL came TO California from other states. The reversal of migration flow has been stunning.
Only nuclear holocaust or oppressive government could have accomplished that reversal. And I don’t remember any mushroom clouds.… Read More