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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Coupal


Voter turnout in California is low. Just three weeks ago, the election held in Los Angeles saw an embarrassing 10 percent turnout. And, of course, the statewide turnout just last November was almost as bad.

Irrespective of political affiliation, the immediate reaction among those of us who are politically engaged is that low voter turnout is not good for democracy. But perhaps we should challenge that bit of conventional wisdom. Is voting for voting’s sake really a good thing?

Members of the self-serving political class, made up of politicians and the special interests that support them, complain about the lack of voter participation because they believe they should be seen as patriotically promoting the democratic process. But their faux sincerity is based entirely on whether or not they see a greater political advantage to a higher voter turnout. If they believe that a higher turnout will drive more low information voters, who can be easily persuaded by glossy mailers, they are all for more voters. (At one point it was suggested that Los Angeles should increase turnout by providing those who vote a chance to win cash through a lottery system.) If… Read More

Richard Rider

For generations CA population grew faster than Texas. But since 1992 the trend has reversed.

For decades the population of California was growing faster than Texas. It roared passed the population of Texas in 1934 and never looked back.

But by 1992 that trend had changed. Here’s the comparative figures in millions:


California 30.97 38.80 7.83 million growth Texas 17.76 26.96 9.20 million growth

The difference is even more dramatic when one looks at the PERCENTAGE of growth in that time frame:

California 25.3% Texas 51.8% — over TWICE the growth rate of California

The difference in growth is found in the “net domestic migration” — the movement among states. Since 1992 CA has lost a NET of 3.8 million people to… Read More

Katy Grimes

Extremist LGBT Agenda Dominates CA New Public School Curriculum

Major changes are being proposed to the California History-Social Science Curriculum “Frameworks” through an administrative process that is getting no attention.

The California Department of Education has been reviewing recommended edits to California History and Social Science frameworks from Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender special interest groups, following passage of Senate Bill 48, by Sen. Mark Leno, and Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, both of San Francisco, in 2011.

California public school… Read More

Katy Grimes

Sacramento Mayor KJ: $8M Art Piece For Publicly Subsidized Arena a ‘Good Investment’

UPDATED: March 13, 2015 to include a photo of the $8 million piece of art from a Sacramento city staff report – a public record.

While this may appear to be a local news story from the wayward Sacramento City Council, it is an example of callous, tone-deaf local government, and symptomatic of state government.

As the Sacramento City Council voted 7-0 Tuesday evening to approve a public contract with a New York artist for an $8 million piece of art, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson called it “a good investment for our community.”

High-end art is one of the most manipulated markets in the world. But that didn’t stop the Sacramento Mayor: “This guy is world renowned, he is one of the most amazing artists ever,” Mayor Johnson said of artist Jeff Koons, explaining that this art purchase will really put Sacramento on the map as “a world-class city.”

In one of the most ludicrous statements I’ve ever heard from an elected official, this is what politics has become. The deal was done before the deal was done,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Video* Fleischman on KCAL9 (LA) On Hillary/Email-Gate

Today Hillary Clinton held a press conference at the United Nations, to address the issue of her having used only a personal email address and server for sending and receiving emails during her tenure as Secretary of State. It seems she only created more questions I had an opportunity to chime in about the matter on KCAL9 news in Los Angeles, chatting with political reporter Dave Bryan.

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Katy Grimes

CA Lawmaker Proposing New Agency to Help Illegal Aliens Access More Benefits

Free education… financial aid… student loans… low-cost auto insurance… free health care… free legal aid… California is the Golden State once again, but not for legal residents and citizens. California’s more than three million illegal aliens are enjoying many benefits the state’s legal residents and taxpayers do not. And it comes at a very heavy financial burden — legal residents are not just paying for their own health care, rent, transportation, food and education, they are paying for illegal aliens’ as well.

According to the Federation for Immigration Reform, the annual expenditure of California state and local tax dollars on services for the illegal alien population is $25.3 billion. That total amounts to a yearly burden of about $2,370 for a household headed by a U.S. citizen.

California lawmakers are harming taxpayers and millions of impoverished, economically depressed, legal California residents — and especially minority communities of black and Hispanic citizens.This is what’s known as “willful… Read More

Katy Grimes

Money or Construction Delay at Tesla Battery Factory?

I’ve been hearing for weeks that Tesla has halted construction of its giant batter factory in Nevada, and send construction workers home. I even had colleagues in Nevada check on this for me.

But nobody has been talking. Until now.

On Friday, I saw a Tweet posted by a Clark County Nevada Commissioner who said, “Tesla Said to Cut About 30% of China Workers ; Sales department to cut half of its employees.” Another said, “How about that Tesla deal. Dramatically cut the size of the proposed building. Hired about 60 union iron workers and fired them the next day.

And finally, after weeks of rumors, the… Read More

Jon Coupal


Last November’s election saw some of the most craven political tactics ever seen in California.

Fearful that they would lose the two thirds supermajority in both houses, many anti-taxpayer candidates – usually Democrats – attempted to portray themselves as friendly to taxpayers and in favor of Proposition 13 when, in fact, the exact opposite was true.

Perhaps the worst example of this was the race between Proposition 13 ally Janet Nguyen and Jose Solorio for a Senate seat in Orange County. Democrats were so fearful of losing this seat that Governor Brown unleashed radio advertising claiming that Solorio was the candidate who would protect Proposition 13.

Thanks in large part to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee, voters were informed that Nguyen was by far the superior candidate over the proven tax-and-spend Solorio. Thankfully, she won the election handily receiving more than 58% of the vote.

Well, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan, here we go again.

Next week, on March 17th, voters in the East Bay area of Northern California will decide who will fill a state senate seat. Or, more likely, they will pick two… Read More

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