After the Election
First the Dodgers won the World Series. Then Trump wins big on election night bringing along a few Senate seats and the House while winning the popular vote. God did not intend us to have this much joy — and in just one week. First, let me be clear – the Trump win was obviously because the country is racist and sexist. How else could we have voted for the Orangeman over that wonderful woman? PolitiFact has checked and, no, Trump did not win the election. They will get back to you with the actual results. We keep being told that we are doomed because the Left controls the press and our schools and colleges. I keep saying despite their pervasive attempts to control our thoughts, the American people keep seeing through their malarkey and vote against their message carriers. I still have faith in what we now call “the average American.” What has been missing in all the analysis is Republicans have recently become the plurality party for the first time in 30 years. That accounts for a large part of growth in voters for Trump. There are two reasons I believe this has happened. The Democrats’ policies are out of touch with Americans… Read More