Since 1968, CA per student K-12 spending has about doubled, even after adjusting for inflation
One of the many liberal talking points against Prop 13 is that it “gutted” public education. Supposedly Prop 13, which passed in 1978, is the main reason our CA schools are so underfunded today — ruining whatprogressivesnowclaim was once the best K-12 public school system in the nation. But were the CA public schools really that great before they were “gutted”? Indeed, was school funding gutted at ALL?
Short answer to the second question:“Au contraire.”
Below is a chart showing the history of CA public school spending since 1968. It’s PER STUDENT, and it’s adjusted for inflation. As the chart demonstrates, since 1968 the resulting spending has essentially DOUBLED. And I say again, this growth in spending is adjusted for both the number of students and inflation.
I should add that this chart is outdated (pre Prop 30). In the last two years CA public education spending hassoared. Yet the Democrats want to raise several taxes to further increase funding “for the children,” — not to mention “reform” Prop 13. Well, actually these tax increase are… Read More