Finally! The perfect public pension solution the unions can support — but won’t
The California public employee labor unions have a set of talking points they go to whenever the subject of reforming our taxpayer-backed pensions comes up. One major point theyloveto present boils down to this: “Employees can’t invest money as smartly as CalPERS [or other pension agencies] can. CalPERS will make a higher return, and will do it for less cost.”
While this assertion is rubbish, let’s compromise and give in on this point — let CalPERS continue to manage the employees’ retirement funds — even in 401k plans. The only thing we need to change is the taxpayer guarantee on the return earned, and the guaranteed amount paid out. In other words, we transition from adefined benefit(a guaranteed) plan with all its risks of unfunded taxpayer liabilities, to an earmarkeddefined contributionplan for at least the new employees — with the payouts reflecting the success or failure of the investments made by CalPERSet al.
Surely the unions would go along with this plan, right? After all,… Read More