Chula Vista Police Dept bought shoes for needy kids? Nope.
Here’s one of the ways our media fails to accurately report a story. Indeed, in this government “charity” category, this misrepresentation is more the rule than the exception.
Granted, it’s not a big story. It’s a feel-good episode that might have raised some interesting points, but didn’t.
HEADLINE: [Chula Vista] Police Dept. outfits kids with new shoes, socks
$12,000 was spent on providing shoes, socks and school supplies for 284 needy students — a commendable activity. Nothing wrong with the charitable effort. Indeed, it’s good that such efforts are recognized by the media. But this story gives credit where it’s NOT due.
The Chula Vista Police Department did NOT “outfit” the kids with shoes. They didn’t spend a dime doing that.
But surely at least the police OFFICERS took up a collection for the kids. Nope. Apparently none of the money was donated by the cops.
Well, then surely the police labor union provided the funding, using union dues. Again, nope. Not a… Read More