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Jon Fleischman

No Commentary Today

There is no new commentary today.

But did you catch some of these commentaries?

Duncan Hunter opposing across-the-board federal spending cuts? Congressman Devin Nunes – Patriot – runs own Yes on 77 ads. Bill Thomas v. David Dreier – fissure or fiction?

Take care, and enjoy your Sunday!

Jon… Read More

Mike Spence

Hurry! 2007 is just around the corner.

Annoyed by fundraising solicitations for the 2006 elections before the special election of 2005 is over. No worries. 2007 elections are just around the corner. Kevin Milton filed to run for Los Angeles City Council in 2007 against Bernard Parks. Read it here.Hey, I’m up for election in 2007. Maybe I should announce, but then again 2008 is just around the next corner.

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Duane Dichiara

Found: Lt. Governor

Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamonte has been located. Repeat, Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamonte has been located.

His own ambitions having been thwarted, he is now busy meddling in the San Diego City Council for "overachiever" (yup… that’s actually one of the campaign slogans) professional student, Democrat staff member and candidate Lorena Gonsalez.

Hint, Cruz: if you want to keep meetings with labor bosses a secret, don’t go to known GOP hangouts to have them. Better yet, don’t let known GOP operatives sit at the table next to you and take notes. Make sure that San Diego Democrat Party money gets spent only on Democrat membership communication, Cruz.

By the way, missed you last night at the Republican Party fundraiser that hit 700k, net.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nunes steps up – Yes on 77

You may turn on your television set and see an ad in support of Redistricting. "Who is that man, you might say, that definately is NOT Arnold Schwarzenegger?"

If that is the case, you likely live in the Central Valley, where your local Congressman, Devin Nunes, has started running his own Yes on Proposition 77 commercials.

Kudos to Nunes both for stepping up to the plate and supporting the measure, and for going the extra mile to create TV spots!

Lately, there has been a lot of disappointment from grassroots Republican activists and donors, who cannot believe that over half of the California GOP delegation has either come out against 77, or is cowering behind their office doors, refusing to take a position.

It doesn’t take too much of a look back in history to see that right after the last census, when it was time for reapportionment, all of the legislators in Sacramento (encouraged by some in our Congressional delegation) signed off on what has been called an ‘incumbent protection… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rep. Devin Nunes – PATRIOT!

Congressman Devin Nunes from the Central Valley has taken a step beyond any of his pro-redistricting colleagues (slightly less than half of the delegation is willing to nuke the ‘incumbent protection plan’ that locked us into minority status in Sacramento).

The Congressman has started running his own ads in his area, encouraging voters to vote YES on 77. I have attached the ad so that you can download it and check it out!

Way to go Devin!


PS: Props to the Governor for putting SEVERAL more MILLIONS of dollars down on his reform measures. Right on!… Read More

More On Levees…..

No music hook this time….but good content nonetheless….

I challenged our congressional delegation to get ahead of the bad guys with regard to fixing the levee system in the northern San Joaquin delta region…..

check out this Op-Ed authored by one of the smartest guys around…Chuck Poochigian….he’s got it right.

Good job Chuck!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Angels with Arnold

FR Bloggers Adam Probolsky, Mike Spence and Jon Fleischman are here at the "Big A" with Governor Schwarzenegger, cheering on the Angels (who are losing 5-3 in the 8th, but we’ll come back!).

Ok, well, in theory, Governor Schwarzegger is here at the game somewhere. And I’m sure he has plans to stop by our Terrace-level seats. Then again, Congressman Gary Miller supposedly has seats close to ours, and he isn’t around.

Kind of makes you wonder if there is an "in" spot to catch the game, and we aren’t there!

To further promote this "there’s a cool place to be and we aren’t there theory" – we are all guests of San Bernardino County Supervisor Bill Postmus, who is at the game but…well…we haven’t seen him either!

We were also wondering how many union members are here, watching baseball while their paychecks are being raided to stop Arnold’s Reform Agenda.

Well, we’ll keep looking for the "important people," and rooting on the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim!

Jon, Adam and Mike at the "Big A"… Read More

Dan Schnur

Kerry and McCain

John Kerry comes to California yesterday and never quite says that the concept behind Proposition 75 is a bad thing, only that he thinks it creates an imbalance against union interests. So theoretically, he could have endorsed Prop 75 and then announced support for a companion "shareholder protection" measure, which is what Schwarzenegger did. But that wasn’t going to happen, obviously. And anyone who thought Kerry might take even a baby step away from Democratic orthodoxy learned a lesson when reporters asked him about Proposition 74 instead.

In a rare lapse into political courage, Kerry has actually talked in the past about the need to extend the teacher tenure probationary period, which is what Prop 74 would do. So technically speaking, Kerry supports the initiative, whether he says so in public or not. (Not, by the way.) But he can’t oppose 74 either, because he supports its content. So Kerry pulled a Kerry, and told the press that he wasn’t here to talk about that.

Earlier this week, John McCain comes to… Read More

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