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Jon Fleischman

Connect the dots…Alda and Bening to Reiner

This morning in my Commentary, you can take a few minutes to read how my opportunity to see Annette Benning and Warren Beatty yesterday, and reading an article about Alan Alda (well, his West Wing character), took me on an fun trip through Hollywood, and some amazingly liberal entertainment types and their donation histories and more…

See this Commentary here. Also, remember that EVERY DAY, I post a Commentary on this site, that is separate from this blog. It is easily accessable from the main page.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Hollywood Fantasies of Sorkin and Reiner…

Bening, Alda, Beatty, Dreyfuss, Douglas, Sheen, Sorkin and Meathead…in Fantasyland Yesterday afternoon, I had the fortune to see Annette Bening. I was leaving the Governor’s Anaheim Hills rally (read about that here and here) and holding court outside was the CTA bus, captained by Union-Thug-In-Chief Barbara Kerr. Aboard the "S.S. Dues Extraction" (my name for their bus) was also the Hollywood dynamic duo, Annette Bening and her ersatz-politican husband, Warren Beatty.

It was only later that I connected some very odd dots (this post demonstrates the strange way that my mind works). I recalled when… Read More

Barry Jantz

Weekend Update from San Diego

In his post below, Jon noted Warren and Annette being refused entrance to this morning’s San Diego kick-off of Arnold’s bus tour. Nothing speaks to the "power couple’s" utter frustration like this AP photo and accompanying caption, posted

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s spokesman Darrel Ng, right, tells actor Warren Beatty, center, and his wife, actress Annette Bening, left, that they may not enter a rally held by the governor at Montgomery Field to drum up last-minute support for a group of statewide ballot measures.

The moral of the story: If you want to be governor, you first have to run.

As for other news from SD, nothing says it as well as the missive just received from the County GOP, so I won’t try:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger kickedRead More

Jon Fleischman

Annette and Warren

"Warren Beatty scares me," is what Democrat Pamela Anderson (no relation to the movie star) just told OC Register reporter John Gittelsohn. We are standing outside of the rally building where Annette Benning and Warren Beaty are boarding their "BS" Bus (my name) as they go off to shadow the Governor at his appearances in Riverside and beyond.

So far every opponent to the Reform measures that I have met is a paid union employee…go figure!

[Added later: Check out this AP story on Warren v. Arnold at the San Diego rally.]Read More

Mike Spence

Arnie’s Bus in LA

Well, actually a empty warehouse in Irwindale.

John and Ken were our hosts. State Senators Tom McClintock and Bob Margett, and Assemblymen Keith Richman and Bob Huff all addressed the crowd. They then asked for the audience to clap for the best speech. Margett took off before voting and, of course, McClintock was the winner.

Despite waiting for the traffic delayed bus, when it pulled into the warehouse — yes it pulled into the warehouse — the crowd went wild.

We need alot more events like this before Tuesday. A Note: Julie Justice McGinity came out of retirement for this one. Nice job.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

From Arnold Rally in Anaheim

Here at Pacific Transformer Company in Anaheim Hills where Governer Schwarzenegger is giving a rousing speech to hundreds of supporters of Props. 74, 75, 76 and 77. The Governor was introduced by Orange County Sheriff (and my boss) Mike Carona.

If the energy here is indicative of the electorate…we may see some big wins this Tuesday!

Well, I’m going to go try and be important and hang out with Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, former Party Chairman Shawn Steel and others!

Oh yeah…props to the National Federation of Independent Business for putting this great rally spot together!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Week in Review

Here at the last week’s Commentaries:

Saturday: Union thugs, whipped up my Speaker, attack woman! Click here.

Sunday: Firestone & Sebastiani: Nothing in common but a love for wine… Click here.

Monday: Mother’s Milk: Inside look at Fundraising. Click here.

Tuesday: Debunking the Field Poll. Armey on 77. Click… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Goings On In San Diego City

Yesterday’s San Diego Union Tribune’s article “Labor Unions and Republicans Square Off” and today’s “Republican Donations Pour in for Two Camps” basically re-enforced what co-bloggers Probolsky, Mitzelfelt, and today Jantz have been writing about – the rise of Republican local county organizations. In years past, the article would have been framed with some segment of the business community or the Chamber vs. the labor unions. But in recent years its been clear that the GOP has become the central organizing body of the center-right’s coalition to take back City Hall from labor union bosses. To wit, the San Diego GOP, with help from local business owners, has raised close to a million dollars in the last month and has engaged in the Mayoral and Council races with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In the final days of the campaign for San Diego City Mayor big labor has gone on the offensive. They are running a tv ad that morphs Republican candidate Sander’s face into that of former Mayor Dick Murphy, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, President George Bush, and former President George Bush. This may be over the top… Read More

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