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Matthew J. Cunningham

How I Voted

I’m as eager as any political junkie to see the outcome of today’s balloting. On the state level, I’m confident Prop. 73 will pass and grimly hopeful Prop. 75 will crawl across the finish line. In case anyone is wondering how I voted, here it is:

Prop. 73: Yes Prop. 74: Yes Prop. 75: Yes Prop. 76: Yes Prop. 77: Yes Prop. 78: No Prop. 79: No Prop. 80: No

I don’t think I’ve voted "yes" on so many ballot initiatives in my life.

Here in Orange County, the big vote is on Measure D, which would give the Orange County Fire Authority a portion of the future… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Planned Parenthood Is Pathetic

So yesterday I’m merging onto to 22 from the 55, on my way to a meeting of the OCTA’s Regional Planning and Highways Committee. Off to my left I notice a huge orange banner hanging on the side of the Planned Parenthood building in Orange:

No On Proposition 73 Keep Teens Safe

I never fail to be amazed at the pro-choice movement’s combination of intellectual dishonesty and timidity. Legalized abortion advocacy groups like Planned Parenthood are petrified of an honest debate on an issue like requiring minor girls to notify their parents before having an abortion.

The above slogan, "Keep Teens Safe," is a perfect case in point. It has nothing to do with the issue. The sign might as well have read:

No On Proposition 73 Increase School Test Scores

Or, to be accurate:… Read More

Dan Schnur

Schwarzenegger’s re-election campaign

The second-guessing and backseat driving has now hit epidemic proportions, as every pundit, political science professor, and columnist in the state has begun to explain exactly why the Schwarzenegger reform effort has failed. Nowhere has that criticism been more intense than among the ranks of Republican campaign consultants who are not affiliated with the governor’s committees. And while I have certainly not avoided the opportunities offered by an always-willing news media to offer my thoughts as well, at least today it may make sense to worry less about what has happened and begin to think about what comes next.

I have previously written that Schwarzenegger can plausibly claim victory if he passes either Proposition 77 or 75, on the grounds that he will be able to argue that at least he has opened the door for further reform by achieving either the redistricting reform or paycheck protection that those two initiatives offer. If one or the other passes, there’s a good chance he pulls Prop 74 across the finish line… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Clarey out – Arnold’s Advisors Seek New COS

I have found in this world of ‘breaking news’ that you have to make a judgement call on when something is ‘rumor’ and when it is ‘fact’. My general principle is the ‘rule of 6’ – if I hear a rumor and can find six credible sources that can confirm this rumor, even off of the record, then I feel comfortable going forward… While I had been hearing this story for a few days, last night – the ‘rule of 6’ kicked into effect — so here is what I’ve heard: SCHWARZENEGGER TO PICK NEW CHIEF OF STAFF Since his election as Governor, Patricia Clarey has served honorably as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Chief of Staff. Her pick was a surprise to some that assumed the Governor would pick someone with a higher profile. Clarey, as a Deputy Chief of Staff to former Governor Pete Wilson, had always kept a lower profile in that administration. One can only imagine the challenge… Read More

Some Common Sense Today

Common sense does not always prevail in a highly charged election. It may or may not tonight. Before the polls close I wanted to share my common sense thoughts on today’s election.

Common Sense says – Hey school nurse, as you are whisking my daughter to the abortion clinic can you give my cell phone a ring or shoot me a quick e-mail. If my daughter is in need of a secret abortion, I obviously stopped communicating with her long ago. However when she spends the next 20 years in a state of depression, I would like to know why.

Common Sense says – Dear teacher-most of us have jobs that require us to work 12 months a year, 8 hours a day. We have to produce a measurable product …oh and we can get fired at any time. How rude of us to ask that you are not given Federal Judge status after just a few years on the job.

Common Sense says – Hey Mr. /Mrs./ Ms./ GLBTG/ Legislator -I have $10 in my pocket. I can’t spend $20. It is a hard concept to grasp, but we know you can do… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bob Novak’s Predictions…

Bob Novak’s Weekly Political Report has a section today where he makes his predictions on Ballot Measure Mania across America…

Here is what he has to say:

California: The special recall election that brought Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) to power in 2003 was the clearest demonstration to date that all public polling in California is basically worthless. Polls on Schwarzenegger’s slate of ballot propositions yield such wildly different results — one proposition approaches two-thirds support in one poll and fails miserably in others — that we will ignore them completely. We anticipate, first of all, that non-partisan redistricting (Prop 77) and state spending caps (… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Migden gives up her Gavel…for now!

Anthony York over at Capitol Weekly is reporting this afternoon that State Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Carole Migden is ‘temporarily’ stepping aside from her influencial post. Her stated reason, according to this piece by York, is to get more involved with the Westly for Governor Campaign.

The real question is whether Westly wants her that involved. You see, Migden is notorious for her inability to hold on to key staff members — she just isn’t a kind boss. Well, we’ll see how this all shakes out.

Of course, everyone remembers this now-infamous controversy when Migden reached over and cast an "AYE" vote (my button) of a GOP Assemblymember.… Read More

New Poll Numbers

The third wave of the Stanford University/Hoover Institution/Knowledge Networks Internet poll (conducted from November 3-6) is out.

The numbers — and they aren’t so hot if you’re an Arnoldista:

Prop 74 (teacher tenure) trails, 46-54, a reversal from late October.

Prop 75 (paycheck protection) leads, 52-47, down from 64-36.

Prop 76 (spending cap) still trails badly, 34-66.

Prop 77 (redistricting) is now behind, 40-60.

Of the remaining four initiatives on tomorrow’s ballot:

Prop 73 (parental notification) now trails, 44-56. It was once ahead, 58-42.

Props 78 and 79 (prescription drugs) both trail, 49-51 (something of a surprise given the drug companies’ carpeting-bombing against 79).

Prop 80 (electricity regulation) trails, 37-63.

One worrisome sign for Arnold’s side: the latest poll shows that 44% of likely voters are now Democratic, up from 34% in late October.… Read More

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