The Price of Purple Tee-Shirts Just Went Up
When I was eleven years old and my baseball team was playing for the Little League city championship. My team lost. Losing sucks, but as the coach pointed out to a bunch of disappointed kids, not making it to the championship games sucks more.
Because we, the active members of the State GOP, banded together two years ago to rid ourselves of a failed Governor, we had the opportunity to make this election happen. If the Gray Davis machine was still in charge, today would have just been another overcast day in Southern California. We lost in the vote count, but many have won where it really counts, in the union’s bank account.
The unions are financially crippled because the Governor made this election happen. I want to be at the next CTA convention where it is announced that yet another special dues assessment is going to be added to pay for this election. When SEIU workers are told that the cost of their purple tee-shirts have doubled, there is going to be hell to pay. When IBEW members have an extra $50 bucks taken out of their checks- watch out- because beer money is beer money. Even the unions have a limit of what they… Read More