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Alice in Wonderland Time

I want to be very clear that the remarks I am about to write are completely my own and do not reflect the opinion of my boss, Congressman Darrell Issa.

In 2003 I ran the day to day operations of Rescue California, a campaign organization created to gather signatures to recall then Governor Gray Davis. Congressman Darrell Issa and 16,000 other donors gave money to this effort so that we could have professional petition gathers on the streets and petitions in mail boxs throughout California to gather 1.6 million signatures. In the 16 years that I have been involved as a paid professional in the political arena, the day the Recall qualified it was my proudest moment. Dave Gilliard and all involved in Rescue California did an amazing job.

Thus I am at a total loss as to why the Governor would bring back one of the leaders of the Gray Davis Administration to run the show. As a Republican I am beyond words that a former Executive Director of the California Democratic… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

I’ve already checked out…..

I’ve already checked out on Arnold’s re-election bid. Although there is a long election cycle ahead of us, what I have seen since the special election leaves me underwhelmed. $50 billion in proposed bonds, calls for increased spending, a new liberal Democrat chief of staff, and a resounding defeat three weeks ago add up to a colossal recipe for disaster for 2006. Moving to the left depresses an already depressed GOP base and has not ever in recorded history moved a Democrat partisan voter over to the GOP. Just look how much the Dems love our big spending President and his new Medicare drug plan!. Why we keep repeating the same mistakes over again, in the face of a long history of failure, is beyond me. But hey, I just saved 15% on my car insurance by calling………… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CW Piece confirms Kennedy as new Chief of Staff

John Howard of the Capitol Weekly has posted an article on Kennedy’s appointment, in which he reveals that Kennedy turned the Governor down on an initial ask, and then finally accepted after being given carte blanche authority over the hiring and firing of the senior staff.

The article begins:

Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has hired Susan Kennedy, a top aide to former Gov. Gray Davis, as his new chief of staff, Capitol sources in both major parties said. The chief of staff’s position is considered the most powerful administrative position in state government, with broad authority over policy-making and the sprawling bureaucracy.

The decision was made following two days of intense, closed-door meetings that included negotiating sessions across the street from the Capitol in the Hyatt Regency Hotel, where Schwarzenegger stays while in Sacramento. Kennedy’s hiring was the culmination of a five-hour meeting, sources said, at which Kennedy demanded–and got–sole authority over hiring and firing the executive… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold to tap major Democrat to be his Chief of Staff

The rule of six (if I hear at least six credible people tell me something, then as a confirmed rumor, I run with it) has struck again. I previously reported on rumors that Pat Clarey, the Governor’s Chief of Staff (and a loyal Republican) would be stepping aside after the special election. Read that story here.

Well, apparently the Governor has decided to name Susan Kennedy as his Chief of Staff.

I am sure that if this plays out, Kennedy will be vetted by many who know her well. I can only judge her political ideology based on her resume, which includes these highlights (seriously, I am NOT making this up):

Kennedy has spent nearly the last three years as Gray Davis’ appointee… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Let Me Be Perfectly Clear…

…I am not now, nor have I ever been, related to Duke Cunningham.

As far as I know.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Diane Harkey Notches Another Key Endorsement

Dana Point Councilwoman Diane Harkey‘s state Senate campaign is on a roll, just announcing her endorsement by Bill Campbell, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and former Assembly Republican Leader. Campbell is third OC Supervisor to back Harkey, and as a former colleague of Harman’s in the Assembly, it re-emphasizes Harman’s isolation withing OC GOP circles.

Even as Harkey demonstrates apparent momentum, the campaign of her rival, Assemblyman Tom Harman, seems stuck in neutral. OC Blog reported last week that South County public affairs powerhouse Roger Faubel cancelled a fundraiser scheduled for today, to be re-scheduled at an undetermined future date. Conflicts and the holiday rush were the official reasons cited, but the speculation on OC Blog takes a different view.

As I’ve written previously, this race is only just beginning. However, perception is important, and can become self-fulfilling. If Harman cannot earn the love of the OC GOP faithful, he definitely needs their money. However, if the… Read More

A Personal Post on Duke and Cong. Dist. 50

I was there in 1990 — on site — in the South Bay for Duke Cunningham’s first win over ethically challenged Democrat Jim Bates…I was the NRCC guy for California…it’s where Arthur taught me the set stage theory…and I was also the assigned junior kid consultant for the pr firm that did Duke’s primary against Bill Lowery in the seat that he just resigned…..another tour of duty with Arthur…..learned as much that time too.

So I’ve got a lot of thoughts…unique opinions about this whole thing…but I’m going to leave you with this….never fall in love with your idols. Duke was never an idol, but he is a bonafide war hero…and all of that is now erased by his own hands….and that just sucks.

Now, on to the more pressing issues facing our little blog world…the rumors..the posturing..the new angles resulting from Duke’s resignation. Here’s the deal: I’m Morrow’s guy..always have been ….always will be…..All of the sappy stuff I wrote about Mark Wyland’s announcement of his desicion not to run… I stand… Read More

Duke’s Forfeitures Were Entirely Proper

I am just as suspicious as the next guy when it comes to federal authorities overreaching and exerting power for the sake of exerting power. But I think my good friend Adam’s statements criticizing the forfeiture of Duke Cunningham’s personal belongings are sorely misplaced. [Adam, I guess we will have something to talk about on our 5-hour flight to Hawaii later this week.] There are numerous examples of federal law enforcement trampling on the rights of individuals (like Ruby Ridge, for example). But the federal prosecutor’s action in Duke’s case is in no way similar. In fact, if anything, the federal prosecutors were more than fair with Duke. Under federal law the prosecutors are able to seek $50,000 for EACH bribe or unlawful action. (18 U.S.C. § 201.) Furthermore, treble damages (that is a TRIPLING of the damages) are permitted under the False Claims Act. (31 U.S.C. § 3729.) In this case, Duke’s full liability would have probably amounted to millions of… Read More