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Duane Dichiara


A relatively peaceful balance of power has existed in North San Diego County for some time, with general cooperation between Supervisor Bill Horn, Assemblyman Mark Wyland, Assemblyman George Plescia, State Senator Bill Morrow, Congressman Darrell Issa, and Congressman Duke Cunningham. With seats opening rarely in this solid GOP turf, there was little reason for the party organization and the elected officials to concentrate on anything but cleaning out pockets of local Democrat officeholders, or running up the region’s vote tally with solid GOTV programs. But like in WWI, the Duke (I guess the historical figure was actually an Arch Duke) is gone. This is combined with various partisan seats which were opening regardless, and a challenge to the sitting Supervisor from a former legislative member. Meaning: Flanders (no Probolsky, not Homer Simpson’s neighbor) and the Somme are yet to come, and the political graveyards are… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mehlman apologizes to CA Republicans

OK – the headline should have read: RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman, speaking at the RGA Meeting in San Diego County, criticizes anti-war Dems.

It would be nice if Chairman Mehlman would explain why the RNC raised so much money out of California but made no transfers of cash (that I know of) to the Caliornia GOP to assist with GOTV efforts in our statewide election. The RNC shares a portion of the responsibilty for that defeat. But I guess that will be a different speech on a different trip. He will give that one flanked by the only nine Republicans in California who opposed redistricting reform (coincidentally, all Members of Congress!).

Ok…ok… Back to Mehlman and the Republican Governor’s Association meeting. The GOP Governors are meeting at the posh La Costa Resort and Spa near Carlsbad for a few… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Wall Street Journal Team weighs in on Kennedy Appointment

John Fund and Brendan Miniter weigh in from Manhattan with their talented pens…

December 1, 2005

In today’s Political Diary: Darn It, He Just Can’t Resist Anyone Named Kennedy

An episode of the TV political drama "The West Wing" could never top the bizarre appointment Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has made as his new chief of staff, the top administrative post in his government. Susan Kennedy is the former deputy chief of staff to Gray Davis, the discredited, spendthrift governor whom Mr. Schwarzenegger replaced after a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Kennedy Crazy – No Bonds – Morrow does the right thing.

INFRASTRUCTURE, YES! MEGA-DEBT, NO! With all of the ‘noise’ of the Governor’s controversial pick for Chief of Staff, the FlashReport is committed to keeping our eye on the ball of exposing the lousy idea of floating mega-billions of dollars in bonds for infrastructure needs. We’ve already heard from Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and from State Senator John Campbell, both expressing their strong opposition to such a scheme.

Today in the FlashReport, we feature a column from George Passantino, a senior fellow with the well-respected Reason Foundation. In this piece, George also lays out aRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham


I don’t think I’ve been this angry with a Republican Governor since Pete Wilson came out against Prop. 174 (the school voucher initiative) back in 1993.

Like Adam, I am one of those conservative Republicans who supported Arnold in the recall. I have defended him to my conservative friends since then. I believe he waged a valiant fight against the power of the public employee unions during the special election. That took moxie, and I had built up a huge reservior of respect for him as a result.

The Governor’s actions in the immediate aftermath of his special election defeat began the process of draining that reservior, and the appointment of Susan Kennedy as his chief of staff open the flood gates. There’s nothing left.

It’s as if George Washington, in the darkest days of the American Revolution, went before the Continental Army and and said, "Boys, I’d like you to meet my new second-in-command, Lord Cornwallis."

Why should any Republican activist follow the Governor back into political battle following this slap in the face? Why should they care whether or not he is re-elected? For all the deliberation… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Kennedy: The Official Release

And with one release, Schwarzenegger is hip deep in GOP alligators, and Kennedy is persona non grata with the Dems….

You’ll find this release here, but Probably not at this site:

Governor Schwarzenegger Appoints Susan Kennedy Chief of Staff Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the appointment of Susan Kennedy as chief of staff. "Susan is a hands-on, action-oriented person who gets things done. She is a leader with incredible institutional knowledge about state government and a deep understanding of the public policy process. We have had incredible accomplishments throughout my administration and I look forward to working with Susan to build upon that foundation and make California once again the golden dream by the sea." "Pat has worked … Read More

What has changed?

Governor Schwarzenegger was never a friend to conservatives, he was just a palatable choice who had some sex appeal, and could win we were told.

Credit was given to him for kinda-sorta fixing workers comp and talking a good game on improving the business climate. And I have opined that the Governor’s Special Election while a lose took guts and should be recognized.


Since the Special Election we have seen a slide, shift, some sort of movement away from Republicans and Republican principles first with the suggestion that it was GOP donors who didn’t put a big enough money sack in the pot to win the Special Election when we all know it was the Governor’s failure to defend himself for months against the relentless union attacks. Next we saw the proposal for his $50 billion bond further saddling the state with debt. And now the Kennedy chief of staff appointment. Her appointment is stick in the eye to ever Republican that held their nose and voted for him. Worse yet putting a liberal Democrat activist in charge demonstrates to the GOP party faithful that our… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My call from the Governor

About fifteen minutes ago I got off of the telephone with Governor Schwarzenegger. He is spending some of his day today, in advance of an official 2 p.m. press event, making telephone calls to people about his controversial decision to hire Susan Kennedy as his Chief of Staff. After a collegial minute or two (after all, the Governor is one of the friendliest people EVER), the conversation turned to his appointment. We spoke about his choice for a few minutes – well, I let him do most of the talking. I will paraphrase some of what we talked about so that you get the idea.

I expressed to the Governor my concerns – that while I had never met Ms. Kennedy, I had reviewed her resume. I told him that her resume was more partisan on the Democrat side than mine on the GOP side, which was hard to do,

The… Read More