Duf’s choice of words – did “we” really mean “me”?
Today in the Sacramento Bee, my friend, State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim was quoted as follows after emerging from a closed-door, executive sesison of the California Republican Party Board of DIrectors, which included Governor Schwarznegger:
"I think that issue has been put to rest," Sundheim said of the Kennedy matter, after the governor’s session with the state GOP board in a conference room at the Hyatt Regency that lasted about an hour. "He made it clear she is there to implement his policies. She’s totally committed to that, and we support his decision."Assuming that Duf was quoted correctly, I am struggling with the big question of who is the "we" that "support his decision" to hire Democrat Susan Kennedy.
The members of the Board of Directors, I believe, have been done a disservice here. It is clear to me… Read More